Panagea – Travel and Tours listings template
PANAGEA is a neat and contemporary HTML5 travel site template that is designed to meet the needs of businesses and organisations that offer services to tourists. This template can be used to provide general information about attractions, travels, purchase tours, search for and book hotels and restaurants. It is designed and developed with mobile use as the primary consideration, as well as the most recent developments in web design. It comes with four different colour palettes that have already been created, or you have the option of easily adding your own via a SCSS file or css. It is also possible to use it for other kinds of directories and display formats.
Main features
- Valid and clean HTML5/CSS3 code
- 100% Responsive
- Last Bootstrap 5
- +100 HTML pages
- RTL Version
- 18 Home pages
- KenBurns Slider NEW
- Layerslider Version (SAVE 15$)
- Revolution Slider (SAVE 16$)
- Parallax Videos/images
- Jquery Text Rotator
- Unique Slider (Home page version 2)
- Admin Dashboard Section (SASS files included)
- Interactive Google Map API
- Google API Location Autocomplete
- Free OpenStreet Map Version + Mapbox
- PHPMAILER is the most widely used code for sending email from PHP, and it includes support for SMTP as well as an HTML Responsive Email template.
- PHP contact form with anti-spam protection and an autoresponder that is operational. (disabled in the demo)
- Working PHP newsletter (disabled in the demo)
- Working PHP Detail page Contact form
- Nice Mobile App menu
- Header sticky effect
- Amazing Page Speed & Optimization
- Date selector with the ability to choose multiple dates or a specific date
- Android inspired Timepicker
- Sticky sidebar
- Sticky horizontal
- jQuery Isotope filtering
- SASS files
- Great CSS3 animations
- Google web fonts
- Retina support
- 2500 Retina icons included
- Magnific popup
- Owl Carousel
- Show/hide password feature for password inputs
- Password strenght checker
- Bootstrap Datepicker
- Great UI/UX reusable elements
- Coming soon page (Save 8$)
- Easy to edit
- Coded with love and attention
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