Easy Digital Downloads Git Download Updater
If you do any kind of development for the web, there’s a good chance you use git to manage your code. Once your code is ready to be deployed, updating your EDD download often involves downloading a zip file, renaming the main folder, eliminating files that are not required, re-zipping the file, and then submitting it. This method may take a considerable amount of time, particularly if you manage numerous websites or a significant number of downloads.
This procedure can be fully automated for your code if it is stored on GitHub or Bitbucket by using the Git Download Updater plugin. You simply select the repository and version tag that you want the plugin to use, and it will handle the process of manually updating your download for the release. It refreshes the file that you downloaded and ensures that the file names are correct.
This extension has the capability to automatically update the version number as well as the changelog if Software Licencing is being used.
With each new release, this addon may help you shave off some valuable minutes.
- Directly retrieve zip files from git tags or releases on GitHub.
- Provides support for both public and private repositories
- If you are utilising Software Licencing for EDD, this function will parse readme.txt in order to extract and update the changelog.
- Simply by changing the version number and clicking “fetch,” you may either update to the most recent version or revert to an earlier version.
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