Ninja Forms Slack
With every new WordPress form submission, you’ll automatically be added to the workplace and channel of your choosing in Slack to receive real-time notifications.
Are you missing important form submissions? Potential leads sneaking in that needed attention yesterday? Critical reports or issues incoming via your WordPress forms that you can’t afford to miss? You need Slack for WordPress!
Never miss a critical form submission again!
The information that is sent to you through your WordPress forms is critical to the success of your company or organisation. A good number of those require immediate response from either you, your sales team, or your support staff as soon as they come in. This is the proper way to accomplish things.
Lead notifications for your sales team in real-time
According to research conducted in this sector, as many as 50% of prospective clients end up selecting the provider that addresses their requirements first. You can’t afford to keep a potential customer waiting in a market that is growing increasingly more hooked in around the clock every day; your competition is getting better at it. Always be the first to react to any question or comment.
The moment a form is submitted, Slack for WordPress will alert your sales team as well as any other member of your organisation who is pertinent to the conversation.
Your Slack for WordPress connection is the ideal approach to remain on top of every incoming lead at the same time that they reach out to you because it is simple to configure and easy to maintain.
Get your attention on the matters that need them, now!
Offering support for your product or service via your WordPress forms? Have contractors in the field submitting reports that can not wait? Orders coming in from remote agents that need served now?
Slack for WordPress is invaluable for getting your team alerted in the moment. For anything that needs your attention the minute that it’s submitted, this add-on is your go-to tool. Lower your response time to minutes, not hours!
Slack for WordPress is easy to configure, effortless to maintain for any form
Slack for WordPress is as near as you can come to activating it and having it work right away. Installing and activating the plugin is all that is required, after which you may add a Slack action to any form on your website. Configure the manner in which the application will report into the Slack channel of your choosing and personalise the accompanying message:
Grab the webhook you need from your Slack account (direct link in documentation) and you’re ready to start receiving notifications in real-time!
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