Popup Maker – MailChimp Integration
This integration is fantastic news for you if you are one of the 16 million people or businesses that use Mailchimp to deliver one billion emails each and every day.
MailChimp popups allow rapidly expanding small businesses and online retailers to scale their marketplaces more effectively. The combination of Popup Maker and MailChimp is an exceptional choice for accomplishing exactly that goal.
How to connect and use the Mailchimp Integration in Popup Maker?
To begin, you will have to go into your Popup Maker account and activate the Mailchimp integration there.
After that, all you need to do to use your Mailchimp forms within Popup Maker is connect to your Mailchimp account using the API key. You can generate your lists through your Mailchimp account, then include them in a popup window along with the most compelling registration offers.
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