Advanced iFrame Pro
Resize the Iframe to the Content Height or Width
If the iframe is hosted on the same domain, or if the external solution is available, the iframe’s height can be adjusted accordingly. Both auto height for hidden items and detection of dynamic iframe sizing are supported.
Show Only Specific Area of the Iframe
Remote iframes allow you to display content from another website without being on the same domain or having access to the other site’s source code. Using the built-in region selector, you may easily reveal only the content that interests you. The other page’s content, including certain sections, can be concealed as well. Additionally, zoom is provided for seamless integration.
Zoom Iframe Content
There are two ways to enlarge the content of an iframe: manually by setting the zoom ratio, or automatically by letting the browser determine the appropriate scale for the content. For non-responsive pages in particular, this may be the sole option for mobile users.
Modify Css Style
The parent page’s CSS, and maybe the iframe page’s CSS depending on your configuration, can be updated dynamically. You may make a page more responsive by hiding elements like the header and footer or by replacing static sizes with fluid ones.
Lazy Load
If you’re looking to improve your page’s loading time, lazy load is the way to go. The iframe will load after the main page has finished loading. It is also possible to load the iframe selectively (when it is displayed) or programmatically (when a button is clicked).
Loading Indicator
Iframes add unnecessary delay when loading. Until the iframe completely loads, you can now present a loading symbol to your users.
Responsive Iframe /video
You can make your iframes responsive in a number of ways with Advanced Iframe Pro. Videos can be played as well. More information can be found in this blog post.
Browser Detection
The design of many websites varies between devices. Using the built-in browser detection, you can tailor your iframe presentations to each individual device.
Open Link as Popup
Links on the parent page, and possibly the iframed page itself, can be updated on-the-fly. Even links can be updated in the iframe now. This also enables the iframe’s layered opening functionality, which allows for immediate link access. So that even when they click on external links, visitors to your site will remain on it! The layer can also have a personalised header and footer added.
Scrolling on Ipad and Iphone
Not all iOS versions have the ability to scroll within an iframe. Since the IOS solution is incompatible with other platforms, the plugin combines browser detection with an IOS workaround.
Advance Url Parameter Handling
There are a wide variety of parsing methods available. Parameters from the parent can be passed on, and there are numerous placeholders available, such as the current user’s username in Wordpress. You can bookmark the current page by including the iframe address as a parameter in the parent url.
Upgrading to Advanced Iframe Pro
Installing Advanced iFrame Pro takes very little time and effort. Quickly and easily set up your new plugin by purchasing Advanced iFrame Pro from ( The plugin can then be used on business, professional, and commercial websites and blogs.
- Despite the iframe being hosted on a different website, you can restrict it to displaying only certain pages.
- Assists from without are available when necessary. Refinements to iframes
- Appearance of widget support
- We are not restricted in our vantage point
- Conceal content in an iframe
- Online detection of browsers
- You can switch link destinations.
- Forwarding of parameters to a URL.
- Expanding iframed material
- Tabbed menu
- Need some assistance with jQuery?
- Smart Lazy Loading
- Version that doesn’t require any additional php pages to work.
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