Quick Featured Images Pro
Manage featured images in WordPress easily and quickly
The plugin ‘Quick Featured Images Pro’ helps you to
- by collapsing a series of featured images,
- Create overview tables that cover each post individually.
- Set featured photographs to automatically appear in future entries.
- It’s not worth your time.
- Featured pictures for multiple posts, pages, media files, and custom post types can be updated or deleted simultaneously. You can run it on all stuff or only certain sorts of content using the filtering settings. Defaults can be created for frequently used processes.
- It allows you to add a column to post, page, and custom post type lists (if thumbnails are enabled) that displays the featured image and gives you the option to set, replace, or remove it. The pictures for individual posts can be updated in this way without leaving the list view.
- You can set as many different images as you like as your defaults for future articles with this feature. You can create fine-grained rules by using the post properties.
With Quick Featured Images Pro you can apply time-saving tasks with many featured images: add, exchange and delete them in bulk.
- Including illustrative pictures: You may
- pick a picture from the collection,
- or search the media archive for the introductory post image, if one exists.
- or navigate to the very first photo in a WordPress gallery.
- the first picture you see, or go outside
- or as the first photo in a NextGen exhibit
- alternatively, select the first picture that is added to a post
- or a series of photos displayed in a non-deterministic order
New featured images to hundreds of posts in one go.
- Featured photos can be swapped out for one another, and a single image can replace or update multiple featured images at once.
- In order to delete a featured image, you can either click on it and select “Delete,” or you may click “Delete All” to delete all featured photographs at once.
- With one click, you may purge your database of references to featured photos for which no corresponding image files exist.
Bulk Edit: Options
General options
Based on your selected action you can toggle on and off some options
- Replace the existing featured images with new ones, or keep them as they are.
The second choice is the better one almost often. - avoid looking at posts that have featured images already posted.
- Once a picture is set as the featured image for a post, it should no longer appear in the actual post itself.
- The initial image in the material must be deleted forcibly if the featured image is not changed.
- After a post’s title and description have been determined, a featured image can be added.
- After you delete the featured image, submit your post.
Options for the First Image as Featured Image
If you want to take the first post image as featured image you can choose between
- image number one from the post’s connected media library.
- Please submit the image used in the inaugural post for the current site domain if it is not already there.
- an image downloaded from the internet; this will be the first image in your media library.
- first picture with a message uploaded online.
- It’s the image that’s used to initiate galleries in WordPress by default.
- first image shown in a NextGen Gallery.
Options for multiple images
- The products picked out are the only ones allowed. If there are more than the selected amount of photos, the remaining posts will not be updated.
- After the chosen photographs have been showcased, the temporary images can be removed.
Bulk Edit: Filters
- Limit your results by selecting a certain category of post: Types of Posts to Search You’ll see an effect on all posts, pages, and custom post types by default.
- Format selection for posts: You can narrow your search by using the different types of posts. The default effect on the typical post format.
- Sort multimedia files by format: Obtaining and playing back audio and video files.
- Status-based filtering: Filter results by multiple statuses (published, draft, private etc.). All current statuses will be modified automatically.
- You can narrow your results by using the search bar. It’s possible to restrict your search to the titles of individual posts.
- Time-based filtering: You can narrow your search by putting in a certain time frame.
- The Author Selection Filter: Browse Works by Author
- Filter results using a plugin’s or a theme’s registered taxonomies.
- Size-based featured picture filtering: Find featured photographs that are under a certain size threshold.
- Choose a certain subset by clicking on the appropriate box below: Browse content according to specific tags, including those for user-defined post types.
- Tag-based search and filtering, with support for custom post types.
- You can narrow your results by selecting a parent page. Find related posts in a hierarchy, such as blog posts, by searching their parents.
Automatic Default Featured Images: Rules
Post featured photos can be governed by rules you define. When a new post is created or an old one is saved, Quick Featured Images Pro automatically searches for an applicable rule to apply, altering the post’s featured picture in the process.
- You can define the rules based on
- primary content image if one is stored in the media library or is hosted elsewhere
- Query in the title of the post
- category-specific metadata for featured photographs
- tag in a post (including custom post type tags)
- blog section (including categories of custom post types)
- maker of this post
- formatting a post
Featured photos are supported for the following post kinds: Post, Page, and any custom post types
To configure the rules, simply select an image, a taxonomy, and a value, and then save the changes. So long. Coding expertise is unnecessary.
The rules can be altered at any time. For the featured photographs on your website, you can have a limitless and exact set of criteria applied automatically. It is up to you to specify the sequence in which various rules should be applied. Find the appropriate label, and then use that label as a search term? Which way is it supposed to be? You get to determine the hierarchy. Several images may be assigned to a single rule. In order to select a featured image for the new post, the plugin uses a random number generator. When an image is deleted from the media library, all associated rules are also removed. That means there are no “forgotten rules” to be had.
Automatic Default Featured Images: Options
You can switch between
- replacement of previously highlighted photos or
- holding steady at the current levels
- by default setting the first attached image as the featured image.
Additional sortable image column in posts lists
The Quick Featured Images Pro plugin inserts a new column into post indexes, which displays featured images. An extra column displays the post’s featured image and quick-access buttons for assigning, removing, and amending featured images. In this approach, modifying photos is a more streamlined process.
You can use the image’s ID to sort the new ‘Featured Image’ column. All post formats that can display thumbnails can use this feature. If you look at that column, you can see an index of all the pictures that have been included. Articles without images can also be quickly identified. Every post type, including custom post types if they enable thumbnails, has its own toggle for showing the second image column under ‘Featured Images’ > ‘Settings.
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