Reon – Restaurant WordPress Theme
The Elegant Restaurant Wordpress Theme by Reon was designed specifically for establishments such as restaurants, bars, clubs, cafes, and even gatherings… The template gives you access to all of the functionalities you need to manage and operate your restaurants online, including: Construct an incredible menu, make a reservation form that allows customers to easily book, showcase your incredible team, and show a gallery with appealing pictures.
6 Stunning Premade Homepages
Your website will stand out from those of other restaurants in the region thanks to a collection of six unique Homepages that have been prepared in advance.
Different Menu Styles
With this theme, it is incredibly simple to create a mouthwatering menu that details all of the delectable foods and refreshments that you will be providing. You have the option of displaying images of the food, along with a comprehensive description, price, specials, and any other information regarding the foods and drinks that you want your customers to read.
We provide:
- 2 menu Styles: The list menu and the boxed masonry style with images
- 3 Detail Menus according to the kinds of meals : Starter, Lunch and Dinner
Reservation Form
Guests can make a reservation and booking in a matter of minutes by filling in the necessary information on an integrated Reservation Form rather than having to take the time to make a phone call or send any emails. In addition, you are able to add new categories and modify existing ones in the reservation form without having to write a single line of code.
You have the option of selecting one of the three registration forms that are pre-built.
- A normal reservation form
- A reservation form comes with a beautiful image
- A reservation form comes with contact info and map
Our team Feature
You are able to add a limitless number of members to your team, and information about those members will be displayed to your customers. In addition, consumers can learn more about the company by clicking buttons associated with social networking sites.
Event Management
You are able to publicize any and all events using event management, along with a variety of information about them, such as the schedule, location, cost, and a brief description. In addition, the functionality provides you with tools to attract a larger audience, such as the ability to create a slide with amazing images and submit a vivid video to display on the event detail page. Both of these features can be found on the event page.
You can easily generate traffic for the site by writing articles and posting them thanks to the blog, which enables you to do both of these things with ease. In addition, consumers have the ability to locate the articles they require by using a search bar, categories, or tags.
Gallery functionality
Gallery Grid V1, Gallery Grid V2, and Gallery Wall are the three different premade gallery styles that are available for you to select depending on the purpose of your gallery.
Compatible with popular premium plugins
It is built with Elementor, Revolution Slide, Contact Form 7, and CMB2, all of which contribute to the increased awesomeness of your establishment as a result of its use.
- 6 Home pages
- Build Page with Elementor page builder
- Build Header, Footer with Elementor page builder: Easily make new Header and add to any page/post. We made it so you don’t need to buy Elementor Pro Plugin
- Live Customize
- Change Typo easily in Customize
- Unlimited Color
- Manage Event
- Blog with Left/Right/No Sidebar
- Revolution Slider Free
- Contact Form 7
- One click demo content
- Wide & Boxed Layout
- Support layout for each post/page: Left sidebar, Right sidebar, No sidebar, Full Width
- .Pot file ready
- SEO Optimized
- Based on Bootstrap 4.x
- 675+ Font Icons Included (Font Awesome)
- Elegant Font
- Owl Carousel
- Google Free Fonts
- Fancybox Popup
- Crossbrowser Compatible
- Clean and Modern Design
- Pixel Perfect
- 1170px Grid System
- 24/7 Support
- Well documented
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