Have Total Control Over Your Entries
Filter out records that meet (or fail to meet) specific criteria. You can use ‘AND’ and ‘OR’ logic in the Advanced Filter to filter results based on a combination of criteria. Include as many stipulations and restrictions as necessary.
Only Show Entries Created by the Logged-in User
Filter entries based on who generated them or who has access to them. Whether it’s a directory or a membership site, user profiles can be displayed and edited by the users themselves, hidden profiles can be made for specific users, and more.
Advanced Conditional Logic Settings
Filter the results to just include entries from the last month, week, or even day. Date ranges, relative dates, approval status, and the current user can all be used to narrow the list of entries displayed.
Get Your App Up and Running in Minutes
The View builder in GravityView may be easily navigated due to its drag-and-drop interface. You may present the information you collect in Gravity Forms in a number of ways using GravityView’s predefined layout options and form templates.
Save Time by Editing Entries on the Front End
Users can make changes to their own entries on the front end with GravityView. You get to choose which fields can be changed. This robust function facilitates the creation of user-updatable membership sites and directories. You have the option of requiring additional approval of user-edited entries.
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