Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) Pro
ACF PRO contains additional fields and features, such as PHP Blocks, Repeatable Fields, Page Building tools, Media Galleries, and Custom Options Pages, that facilitate the development of websites in a more efficient manner.
The Repeater Field
The repeater field allows you to create a collection of subfields that can be repeated indefinitely. Any type of field can be added as a sub field, allowing you to easily create and manage highly customised data!
ACF Blocks
Learn about a powerful PHP-based framework for creating custom block types. ACF blocks are highly customizable and dynamic. They are deeply integrated with custom fields, allowing PHP developers to create bespoke solutions alongside the modern WordPress block editor and theme development.
The Flexible Content Field
The versatile content field is a full-fledged content layout manager! Create highly customised content by defining groups of sub fields (layouts) and adding, editing, and re-ordering them!
Options Pages
The options page contains a set of functions for adding additional admin pages to edit ACF fields! All options page data is global and can be displayed on any page throughout the website (great for header and footer data)!
The Gallery Field
The gallery field provides a simple and user-friendly interface for managing an image collection. Multiple images can be easily added, edited, and sorted!
The Clone field
The clone field allows you to quickly reuse existing fields and field groups! This field, with its many powerful settings, unlocks a more efficient workflow for managing field settings.
AJAX-powered search is used in more fields to speed up page loading.
Local JSON
The new auto export to JSON feature speeds up the process and allows for synchronisation.
Easy Import / Export
A new tools page makes it simple to import and export data.
New Form Locations
Fields can now be assigned to comments, widgets, and user forms!
More Customization
To allow for greater customization, new PHP (and JS) actions and filters have been added.
Fresh UI
The entire plugin has been redesigned, with new field types, settings, and design!
New oEmbed Field
There is now a new field for embedding content.
New Settings
Label and instruction placement field group settings have been added.
Better Front End Forms
On submission, acf form() can now create a new post with a variety of new options.
Better Validation
In place of only JS, form validation is now performed using PHP and AJAX.
Better Relationship Field
‘Filters’ now has a new Relationship field setting (Search, Post Type, Taxonomy).
Moving Fields
You can now move a field between groups and parents using the new field group functionality.
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