AffiliateWP – Zapier for AffiliateWP
This professional add-on offers support for Zapier’s Actions and Triggers simultaneously. You have the ability to create, amend, or delete an unlimited number of affiliates, referrals, visits, creatives, and payouts, as well as inform Zapier whenever the necessary AffiliateWP activity takes place on your website (for example, a new referral being formed).
To use the API Keys for further functionality with the triggers and actions of Zapier, you will also need to instal and activate the REST API Extended pro add-on. This may be done by following the instructions found here.
This data is made available to third-party services via REST API endpoints whenever there is any AffiliateWP activity that takes place on your site, provided that you have permitted Zapier to do so and that your site is authenticated in the manner described above.
We are able to open AffiliateWP up to the massive world of the Zapier app ecosystem by utilising these endpoints as the power source for the Zapier pro add-on.
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