FacetWP | Relevanssi Integration
Using the Relevanssi search module, integrate search facet functionality. The search quality and the degree to which search results are relevant are both significantly improved by Relevanssi.
- The search results are arranged not in chronological sequence but according to relevance.
- When using fuzzy matching, only partial words are matched if the entire phrase cannot be matched.
- Find documents that match just one of your search terms (OR query) or documents that require all of the words to be present. (AND query).
- Try searching for sentences surrounded by quotation marks, such as “search phrase.”
- Make your own customized excerpts that highlight the terms that were searched for and indicate where the hit was found.
- When the user clicks through the search results, search words should be highlighted in the documents.
- Conduct a search through the comments, tags, categories, and user-defined sections.
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