Improved Variable Product Attributes for WooCommerce
Shortcodes, Shop and Product Archives Variable Product Selection
Receive immediate access to product characteristics in your shortcodes, on your store page, or in the product archives! Add-to-cart functionality for changeable items using AJAX, available in the product archives! Your customers should be able to select the attribute variations and add products to their cart directly from the shop pages, without having to enter the single product page. Alternatively, you can simply display the available attribute options without the possibility for your customers to select them.
AJAX Add to Cart for Variable Products
On single product pages, the AJAX-powered Add to Cart function for variable products has recently been made available. This functionality is also supported for use within your WooCommerce store’s shortcodes, shop, and product archives! After a consumer has selected all of the possible permutations of a product’s attribute, the “add to cart” option is shown to them through the use of AJAX. Include dynamic on both your single product page and your archive of products page.
Seamlessly integrated with the WooCommerce interface
The Improved Variable Product Attributes for WooCommerce plugin sets itself up within the WooCommerce admin interface automatically. You can access the settings for this feature by navigating to WooCommerce > Settings > Variable Product Attributes. Include some customization for each of your characteristics, and then choose whether to show them as images, colours, text, or HTML code. Prepare each version and the Tooltip associated with it. You only need to use the drag-and-drop feature to rearrange the order of your attributes, and then your fantastic new product attributes will be ready to use.
Never show Out of stock options again!
Combine characteristics and display changeable goods that are either in stock or out of stock. Never provide the unfortunate choice to buy out of stock items. Increasing the frequency with which customers see the “Add to basket” button will help your company’s online store function better. This plugin more than covers its own costs! Your customers will not be able to select any attribute combinations that are not available to them thanks to the Improved Variable Product Attributes plugin. Instead, they will only be able to select the attribute combinations that are available to them, and they will have the option to add the product to their cart once all of the attribute terms have been selected.
Customize shop attributes
The options for personalization are endless! 3 different styles for plain text, including border, background, and round; thumbnails as attribute terms; you may use pictures for your variants; colours as attribute terms; and even unique HTML for each property. Options without limits! You can override the conditions of as many qualities as you have available in your Shop. Choose from the following Attribute styles: Text, Thumbnail, Color, or HTML. Then, configure a customisation for each word, replace the attribute name, and add attribute explanations. It has never been simpler to give your product qualities an outstanding appearance and highlight them for your target audience.
Attribute style and order manager
On a single page, you may reorder the attributes of your shop. To make changes to your characteristics, use the customization manager’s drag-and-drop interface. Choose the style of your attributes from among Text, Thumbnail, Color, and even your own unique HTML! Replace each attribute word with your own, customise the language that appears in the tooltip, alter the name of the attribute, and add attribute explanations. Choose to show product attribute words on Shop pages as well, and give your customers the ability to choose them and add things to their carts; alternatively, choose to merely display the attribute terms without giving consumers the option to make selections. Everything may be found on a single page!
Easiest installation ever!
This plugin, like all others in the Improved series, instals itself without causing any disruption to the WooCommerce user interface and modifies the default settings when it is activated. It will seem as though it had always been present from the very beginning! This newly established tab is where all of the plugin’s settings may be found. From a single page, you can make all of your attribute adjustments and adjust the plugin parameters.
Translation Ready! Full WPML Plugin Compatibility!
Each and every file is prepared to be translated. The WPML translation plugin receives comprehensive support! Include language-specific Attribute Customization for each language individually. You may translate every single one of your attribute choices into whatever language you choose, including tooltips, attribute name overrides, and custom attribute descriptions. The plugin already includes.MO and.PO files as part of its package. Included is a file in the Spanish language.
Works with EVERY template
You may put it to use with any template. Every single one of the templates is fully supported. Adapts fluidly to the design aesthetic of your store’s theme. In the event that your theme does not adhere to the WooCommerce standards and the attributes do not display automatically, you can always utilise the action override fields that have been supplied in order to manually enter them!
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