YITH WooCommerce Membership Premium
Membership plans creation
Create a credit system so that members can download things (like stock images or digital resources). Depending on the membership plan a member joins, decide how many credits you want to give them and how many credits are required to download a single item. You have the option of setting a default value for the entire store or various values for particular products (e.g. some products may require 5 credits, some other products 10 credits etc.)
Manage content included in a membership plan
Make it possible for just members to see certain material (posts, pages, items, etc.)
content is released gradually:
You have control over when each piece of material in the plan becomes accessible to your users (for example, the first video will be immediately available, the second one after one week etc.)
Make media (such as pictures, downloadable files, audio, and video) solely available to people who are a part of a certain membership.
All users who sign up for an account on the website will have free access to the contents of one or more subscription plans (users that register on your site are automatically added inside a membership plan)
Links that are embedded in articles, pages, and products are protected because only members of a particular membership group can see them.
To partially conceal a post’s content from visitors who aren’t members, use the Gutenberg divider block that reads, “Members-only material starts here” (Ex: members can read the full article or watch all the videos, non-members can only read the article incipit or watch the 1st video)
When non-members attempt to access reserved content, you may decide what to show them. You can either redirect them to a custom 404 page, a specific URL, or alternate content.
Create complex sections and pages with Gutenberg using the new alternative content blocks and display them to visitors. You will be able to build banners, text, graphic sections, and call-to-action buttons to encourage your users to sign up as members thanks to Gutenberg’s flexibility.
Shop options for members
Select one or more items to provide access to a membership plan (the user purchase the product to become a member of a specific plan)
every downloadable product’s price and “Add to cart” button should be hidden from members.
Membership Set a fixed shipping price just for members using the flat rate delivery method.
Offer members free delivery on all purchases made in your store Customers of particular membership plans receive discounts on all products (for example, “Gold” plan users receive 10% off the entire store).
Membership editing options for the admin
Change a membership’s status and its expiration date for a specific user.
Edit information on each membership connected to a given user, including the user ID, membership status, starting and expiring dates, order number connected to the membership, and the number of leftover credits.
Membership reports
full history of users’ prior membership purchases
A thorough report that shows you how many downloads have been filtered by user or product, as well as how many memberships have been authorised since the plugin’s activation date.
Members notifications
Automatically notify users through email whenever a new membership is formed or terminated.
Users will automatically receive an email when a membership is about to expire (the email is sento 10 days before expiration date)
Send users an email when a new membership expires automatically
Tools for members
Dedicated area on the “My Account” page where all restricted materials and the membership history are visible to users who have access to them. Associating two or more memberships to allow users to view contents of all memberships from one account.
Extra options
Using the widget “YITH Membership – Messages,” users can send messages to the administrator.
A special admin section is available for all member messages.
Add WooCommerce login form with a shortcode
Because YITH WooCommerce Subscription is compatible, you may allow customers to buy memberships with subscription plans (for example, members can pay weekly, monthly, or yearly subscription fees to access membership material).
Dynamic pricing and discounts that are fully compatible with YITH WooCommerce: special discounts for users who have one or more membership plans.
Enable limited portions of your e-commerce to generate memberships.
Selling items with dedicated access is a terrific way to boost your income; large firms like Udemy or Treehouse are real examples of this and generate enormous sales volumes using this business model each year. Given the growing number of people who are interested in their products, they expect their income to increase.
You may give your users restricted access to information, such as a course, videos, products, articles, downloadable files, etc., in a fully automated manner.
With the help of YITH WooCommerce Membership, a plugin created to simplify the management of products with restricted access, you can manage courses, services, valuable membership plans with private access, send messages to your customers, and schedule the publication of exclusive content for your customers.
The reserved section is simple to use, allows you to protect your content, and restricts access to it to paying customers or members.
Create unlimited plans with different permission rules
Create various plans (such as Silver, Bronze, and Gold) and assign individual users varying permissions based on the plan they have subscribed to. There are literally endless possibilities, including products that can only be downloaded by subscribers to one plan or subscribers to another plan who can only read the blog entries but not watch the videos.
Automatically set users as members of a specific plan when they register
Create regions with restricted access (posts, videos, and special contents) that are only accessible to logged-in users, and label them as “members” as soon as they do so.
Make the shop and products accessible to members only (like on Privalia)
Create a secret shop with members-only offers, and conceal products from people who are not signed up or who do not have a certain membership plan.
Hide pages and posts to non-members
Control who has access to each area of your website and decide what content members should see. You can make postings that only members can read, items that only users can view or download for free, and restricted pages.
Show restricted material (e.g. an article preview) and encourage readers to sign up (and pay) to see more.
Create a business plan for your online newspaper that is influenced by this: upload articles and other content that is accessible to everyone for the introduction but that is only accessible to members for the body of the article and any bonuses (videos, podcasts, images and so on).
Use the YITH Subscription plugin to let your users make a recurring payment in order to get access to reserved contents
The most powerful integration in our product lineup is between YITH Membership and YITH Subscription. It enables you to create restricted areas on your website and restrict access to content such as learning course classes, receipts, goods, posts, downloadable resources, videos, podcasts, and more to members who have active subscriptions and are paying on a billing cycle you choose.
Users will no longer have access to their reserved contents if the membership is not automatically renewed.
Release contents gradually
You have control over when each piece of material in the plan becomes accessible to users, allowing you to steadily and gradually delay its distribution (for example, the first video will be immediately available, the second one after one week etc.)
A wide range of notifications for admin and members
Your users should receive emails whenever a new membership is formed, 10 days before it expires, when the membership is terminated, and when it expires.
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