HyperX – Responsive WordPress Portfolio Theme
- Best Wordpress Portfolio Theme since 2015, numerous award winner/nominee!
- Best Wordpress Portfolio Theme for Any Screen or Device
- Minimal, lightweight
- Create amazing Agency portfolios, Artists portfolios, Architecture portfolios, Business portfolios, Cartoon portfolios, Creative portfolios, Designer portfolios, Developer portfolios, Graphic designer portfolios, Photography portfolios, Photographer portfolios, Painter portfolios, Resume portfolios, Web developer portfolios, Illustrator portfolios, Cv portfolios, Engineer portfolios, Personal portfolios, Fashion portfolios, Design portfolios, Free
- Isotope Grid is Woocommerce-ready. Create a shop!
- Filtering isotopes
- Isotope Grid, Thumbnail Grid, Zoom effect ready
- Fullscreen, full-page Portfolio
- Minimalism
- Clean, minimalist UI
- Onepage Parallax Effect ready.
- Ready for custom Parallax pages
- Revolution-ready slider
- Visual Composer-ready
- Addons ultimate
- Portfolio Template Lightweight
- YouTube, Vimeo, and self-hosted video portfolios
- Create Blog, Portfolio, and Shop
- Ready HTML5
- SEO-Ready
- Landing page creation
- Grid Masonry
- Everyone will love your website.
- One of the easiest Wordpress Portfolio Themes
- Fast-loading WordPress Portfolio Theme
Hyper-X is a minimal, clean, modern theme for webworkers. Wordpress Live Theme Customizer lets you construct Portfolio/Blog layouts quickly. You can pick from predetermined designs if you don’t like modifications.
Other Features
- Best free Elementor addon – Royal Elementor Addons has 24/6 support and online documentation.
- Unlimited possibilities; everything changes in real time
- Beautiful UI
- NONE Theme Customizer is under Admin Panel.
- Real-time customization
- Multiple preconfigured theme designs, with benefits:
- Click-to-design
- One-click-demo 100% Responsive & Retina Ready
- HTML5/CS3 SEO Optimized
- Clean, commented code with.po and.mo files (WPML friendly)
- Included Child Theme (with screenshot)
- Boxed, full-width (set in pixels) Layouts
- Preloader:
- Select Preloader Icon Color Preloader Context
- Page-loading animations
- Portfolio pages
- Portfolio Pages:
- Masonry, Metro Masonry, FitRows (equal post height)
- Aspect ratios for post thumbnails (image sizes)
- 2, 3, 4, 5 Brakepoint Columns or 1, 2, 3, 4 Constant (brakepoints only for mobile devices)
- Likes and testimonials
- Move Post Title and other components above, below, or on image Info CSS Image Info Hover Transition-controlled hover effects
- Before/after Thumbnail Hover Image Random hovering
- Image/Video Lightbox
- Overlays: Grayscale, Zoom, Transparency
- Optional Post Format Icons with Icon Select and more!
- Blog options:
- All Portfolio Page Options are the same for Blog, except CSS Info Hovers and Testimonials.
- Single-Project Portfolio:
- Above/below Featured Image
- Previous/Next arrows (optional)
- (On/off) Project Sharing Icons
- Project Info is float-right or below Project Content.
- Additional fields for Project Description Categories, Skills, Project Link, etc.
- Similar to Portfolio Single Project Options.
- Project Info (Description and Details)
- Shortcodes: Visual Composer-integrated
- Grid royal
- Grid Royal
- RoyalContactForm
- Colors, Transparent Colors, Images, Patterns, and Gradients for Body Sidebar Content Footer, etc.
- Logo, menu, filters, and widgets in sidebar
- Sidebar options: fixed/static scale, top/left folding button (left sidebar, optional)
- Scrollbar customization (left fixed sidebar)
- Password-protected Logo-Image/Text portfolios
- Tagline above Advanced-font logo
- Create a Text Logo with fantastic choices.
- Family, size, letter spacing, etc.
- Background, Text, Hover Color
- Size, style, colour, corner radius
- Shadows, etc.
- Menu:
- Header (left sidebar, optional)
- Text or button styles with various choices
- Fullscreen menu button
- Highlight Active (optional)
- Submenu 1 (left sidebar)
- Submenu multilevel (top sidebar)
- Hover/click submenus
- Font Settings
- Portfolio and blog filters
- Portfolio Deeplinking
- Portfolio Subfilters
- Filters Sorting doesn’t work with subcategories
- Multiple text or button styles
- Highlight Active (optional)
- Font Settings
- Icon Fontawesome Left/right
- Links-based Isotope or Classic Filters
- Slideshow & Stack Captions (optional)
- Slideshow features
- Slideshow transitions
- Navigation arrows
- Stacked-gallery gutter control
- Wordpress Gallery Shortcode enhancement
- 1-5 Columns for native Galleries
- Gallery gutter control
- More: Carousel options for Portfolio and Blog: Random or Related Posts.
- Shown posts
- Rate Columns
- Auto-scrolling and transitions
- Next/Previous (optional)
- Color and transparency image hover overlay
- Choices:
- Disable small, medium, and large Portfolio/Blog comment author avatars worldwide
- Highlight background colour
- Input Fields Comments, Contact Page Options
- 5-layouts
- Background, text, border
- Background, text, border, and error Search Color Icon Select \sPosts 4 forms of Portfolio and Blog pagination
- Optional numeric Previous/Next and First/Last only Previous/Next
- Auto-Infinite Scroll
- Load Icon Manual Prev/Next, First/Last, Load More
- Page options:
- 7 Custom Files – contact info (optional)
- Form/Info Titles (optional)
- Top/Bottom Google Map
- Advanced Optional Google Map
- Combinations of aforementioned layout possibilities
- Advanced copyright fonts
- Social URL fields: 10
- FontAwesome Celebrity Choose Icon-based rearrangement. Size, Corner Radius, Border, Color, Hover Color, Shadow, etc.
- Copyright/Socials Block:
- Attachment: Fixed/Static
- Folding-Fixed Button (optional)
- Static—3 layouts
- Upper Options:
- Activate/deactivate
- Attend Scroll Page
- Optional styling
- Heading and Body Text Families
- Websafe Google Fonts
- Font customization
- Latin, Cyrillic, Greek, Vietnamese
- Typesetting choices Paragraphs H1 through H6:
- Typeface
- Line height and font size
- Size (100 to 900)
- Italic \sUppercase
- Custom CSS with FullScreen and Editor style
- Google Analytics, JavaScript
- Apple Touch and Default Favicons
- Advanced styling for left sidebar, top, and footer widgets
- Allow/disallow globally Titling widgets
- Top & Footer Widgets 2, 3, 4 columns
- Page-by-page disable footer widgets.
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