Jobseek – Job Board WordPress Theme
The Jobseek Wordpress Theme offers an all-inclusive remedy for employment firms and human resource departments. It is the ideal website to provide your customers with opportunities for professional advancement, new tasks for freelancers, or just excellent work prospects. Jobseek provides a wealth of alternatives, not just for the recruiter but also for the candidate. Candidates are able to do the same things with their resumes as recruiters and firms are able to publish, amend, and manage job offers and company profiles on the site.
Built for WP Job Manager
The functionality of the job board is based on a free plugin called WP Job Manager. It is a simple plugin that can be added to your WordPress website in order to give it the functionality of a job board. You are able to quickly output individual jobs in a variety of formats, lists of jobs, a job submission form, and even an employer dashboard that logged-in users can use to see, amend, and remove their job listings. All of this is made possible through the usage of shortcodes.
A Familiar Admin UI
The administrative user interface organises job listings in a way that provides access to various editing, marking as filled, and deleting options. It also provides access to helpful information about companies and positions. In addition to that, it features search and filtering capabilities. This will be readily recognisable to any user who is familiar with WordPress, and it will be simple to use.
Filterable Job Listings
Your jobs will be shown in a list manner after being output by the jobs shortcode, followed by a search and filter form. Because Ajax is powering this form, results will appear almost immediately. Use categories, job types, keywords, and locations as filtering criteria. In addition, searches include a link to an RSS feed, which enables job searchers to subscribe to a feed with newly available positions that are relevant to their search.
Frontend Job / Resume Submission
Give potential employers the ability to post job openings directly on your website. Employers have the ability to submit information about the position, including the job description and location, as well as information about their firm using the forms. It’s possible to provide each listing its own email address or website, both of which may be used by those looking for work to submit their applications. Employers are able to get a preview of their listing before it is made public. The preview has the same look as the actual job post that will be shown. Following the completion of the preview, the employer has the option of submitting the listing (for approval) or making more edits.
Single Job / Resume Listings
A clear framework is presented for the job description, meta data, and corporate information that are included in single job advertisements. The location may open up in a new tab on Google Maps, and the company box can display the company slogan along with links to Twitter and the corporate website. Below the listing is a button labelled “apply,” which, when touched, reveals either the website URL or the application email address, depending on which one the user chooses.
WooCommerce Paid Listings
WooCommerce is the engine behind the paid listing capability. Create individualised employment packages that may either be purchased at the time of job submission or redeemed for further benefits. Needs the WooCommerce plugin to function properly.
Make it possible for candidates and employers who are logged in to bookmark jobs and resumes and add a remark to the bookmark.
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