EventOn Weekly View
The WeeklyView addon gives you the ability to showcase upcoming events on a weekly basis, allowing for seamless navigation across months, both in the past and in the future.
See all your events, week at a time
Include a weekly display of events in your schedule with seamless navigation through the week, color-coded quick event tabs, tool-tips with event names, and an incredible speed week scroller.
Continuous Week Navigation
Navigation of events across months, week by week, on a continuous stream of upcoming and previous events.
Quick Events View
The event tabs on the week strip each symbolise up to three events occurring on that date, each of which is associated with the event colour for which it falls.
Speed Week Scrolling
With the help of the speed week scroller, you can move through the weeks more quickly.
Focus Date
When you click on a date in the week strip, you will see occurrences that occurred only on that specific date.
Week Styles
Alternately, activities could be displayed in a week-grid format that was simple to navigate.
Week Table Styles
Displaying events in the week grid as event colour circles gives your events a stunningly appealing appearance to the eye.
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