Gravity Forms Signature Addon
Using the Gravity Forms Signature Add-On, you can swiftly and without much difficulty incorporate signature capabilities into your forms. Users should be able to submit your forms using a touchscreen device, touch pads, or a mouse, and you should not require them to install a browser plugin to do so.
Professional Forms
Time can be saved, the amount of paperwork can be decreased, and an impressive user experience can be provided for your clients and consumers by using a form on your WordPress website to collect signatures from users. You can quickly create professional forms that capture signatures and adapt to any business requirements by using Gravity Forms and our Signature Add-On. Both of these tools are free to download and use.
Easy to Use
Using the Gravity Forms Signature Add-On, you are able to quickly collect signatures on any form, whether it is brand new or already in existence. Installing the add-on on your WordPress website is all that is required, after which you will go into the form builder to add the Signature Field to the relevant form.
Touch Screen Device Support
The Signature Add-On adds a digital signature pad to your form, which allows users to write their names using a touchscreen device, any other device that has a built-in touchpad, or even just a mouse. This pad can be displayed on any device that can access your form online.
Cross Browser Support
There is no need to install a browser plugin in order to use the add-on, and it is compatible with the majority of popular desktop and mobile platforms, such as Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Opera, and many others.
Form Entries
When a signature is scanned, the data from the signature is sent to your computer, where it is first transformed into a PNG image file and then saved. After that, a form entry’s signatures are viewable within the Entry Details section of the form.
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