Ninja Forms Zoho Creator
Using Zapier, you can automatically transfer data between Ninja Forms and Zoho Creator without having to write any code.
- You won’t have any trouble integrating your Gravity Forms form with Zoho CRM’s Lead, Contact, or Case features.
- An integrated Gravity Forms form has the ability to automatically add or change new form submissions made on your website to Zoho CRM Lead, Contact, or Case records.
- It is simple to link the fields on your Gravity Forms forms to the corresponding fields in your Zoho CRM Lead, Contact, or Case records.
- There is an Action Event choice available for both “Create Module Record” and “Create/Update Module Record.”
- Help for custom fields in Zoho CRM such as “Phone,” “Picklist,” “Multi-Picklist,” “Date,” “Email,” “Text,” and so on.
- Support the ‘File Attachments’ form field on Gravity Forms and submit form file attachments to the ‘Attachments’ field in your Zoho CRM account.
- Participate in the Zoho CRM Campaign. Choose-your-own-adventure campaign options for both contacts and leads. You can expand your Zoho CRM Campaign by adding a Contact or a Lead.
- Support for ‘Lookup Relationship’ style fields within the Zoho CRM Module (such as ‘Lead Owner,’ ‘Contact Owner,’ etc.).
- Enable/Disable triggers (Workflow, Approval and Blueprint).
- Help with the arrangements
- Support topics
- The dropdown menu items for the Zoho CRM Module Field are arranged in alphabetical sequence.
- This section allows you to examine the error logs for the Zoho CRM API.
- API Error Notification choice for will cause Zoho CRM API errors to be sent to the email address that you specify.
- Allows limitless Gravity Forms forms to be integrated.
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