Ninja Kick: Sliding Panel for WordPress
A WordPress plugin known as Ninja Kick Sliding Panel will create a hidden sidebar to each and every page of your website, complete with content push and animation that reveals it. Any content that you add to the sidebar will be hidden until it is appropriate to show it.
You may show visitors the menu or your social feeds, offer a subscription, display banners, kick in registration form or shop’s basket, and so on and so forth with the help of a sliding panel. Guys, popup windows are so 2009!
By assigning a unique class to an element on the page (such as a menu item, link, button, or picture), you may cause the panel to slide in and out of view. This plugin employs cutting-edge CSS3 transitions, but if the user’s browser doesn’t support them, it will fall back to using older JS animations instead. The panel arrangement adapts to different screen sizes, appears appropriately on mobile devices, and responds appropriately to swiping motions. On the Demo page of Ninja Kick Sliding Panel, you can find various examples that demonstrate how to use the plugin. Your website is terrible!
Customers of the first plugin in the Ninja Kick series, 5-star Ninja Kick: WordPress Contact Form, served as the impetus for the development of this additional plugin. In addition, the answer is that they are compatible.
- Multiple tabs.
- Options for display allow you to choose which pages to display and which to conceal any of your panels.
- Two distinct forms of animation.
- To a great extent optimised
- New and improved administrative control panel.
- Tabs have their own own backdrop settings.
- Adjustments that are both adjustable in width and position are provided.
- Support for the Font Awesome family.
- Responsive design.
- User-friendly Settings page.
- Panel opening triggers.
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