WooCommerce Frontend Manager GROUP & STAFF
Create categories for your Store Vendors, and assign capabilities to them based on the specifications of their respective segments. You will also have the assistance of Shop Managers and Staffs at your disposal. Each vendor will be responsible for their own group of staff members.
The WooCommerce Frontend Manager – Groups & Staffs plugin is going to provide you with the simplest and most ingenious method possible for exercising control over the Vendors, Managers, and Staffs of your store. You will even classify your store’s suppliers, and you might give each category a unique collection of capabilities. WCFM Groups & Staffs, in a single phrase, will transform your Multi-Vendor Marketplace into a Multi-Vendor-Type Marketplace.
Any site that works with multiple vendors needs to be able to classify their merchants into different categories and assign authority in accordance with those categories. It is also beneficial to Vendors because it will provide them with a clean interface that contains only their components. Why would a person who sells cakes need an appointment or booking schedule in their dashboard?
The most powerful aspect is that it is possible to associate a single vendor with multiple groups, and as a result, the vendor will have access to the full range of capabilities offered by all of the groups.
Maintaining authority over customers is one of the most challenging and taxing aspects of a store administrator’s work.
Now you can kick back and unwind because you have the most powerful and user-friendly tool ever created to control your Store Users.
Each of the Vendors, Shop Managers, and Shop Staffs have their own unique collection of Capability Controllers.
Even you will be able to make use of Group and User-specific Capability Controllers.
Shop Staffs are yet another thing that has been on your mind for a very long time but that you have never actually had the opportunity to put into practise. Shop Staffs are something that is very important for a multi-vendor store.
WCFM Groups & Staffs will also deliver that to you – is that not enough for you yet!!!
Isn’t it interesting that each of your Vendors will have their very own group of Staffs dedicated to just their Store, and that they will be able to customise the capabilities of each Staff member individually?
The store administrators deserve a vacation, but if they take one, who will manage the inventory and customers?
Don’t be concerned; the store managers are here to help you!!!
As is customary, you will exercise complete authority over their capabilities as well.
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