Car Dealer Automotive WordPress Theme – Responsive
Give our one-stop solutions for your company a try since they guarantee the following:
- Improved website performance and flexible layout
- 6 different dealer enquiry form types
- A properly formatted inventory listing (with unlimited vehicle listing comparison)
- Outstanding GIF pre-loaders
Regardless of the size or kind of the user’s business, our completely responsive theme supports them in moving their success to the next level. With only one click, launch your first auto-dealing website today.
- Advanced Theme Options: Users may create practically any type of design they can think of with Theme Options. Use the Theme Options panel to take control of a user’s site’s design and quickly make it distinctive.
- Drag and drop functionality comparison for users to compare various car features.
- Powerful automobile filters with AJAX and the GET method are included into the filter functionality.
- Dealer Inquiry Forms: On the admin side, under the “inquiries” menu, entries are kept for each of the six dealer inquiry forms that are given with captcha and validation, as well as three different types of mail functionality (ADF, HTMl, and Text).
- Car Review Stamps: With the help of this feature, you may demonstrate the certification, review, or rating of a vehicle from a source of vehicle valuation, such as
- Vertical and horizontal tabs are available for listing cars according to their manufacture.
- Car Slider: Various categories are available for the Car Slider shortcode (like Featured, OnSale, Cheapest ).
- A loan payment calculator is embedded into the finance calculator.
- PDF brochure: Vehicle-specific capabilities for creating dynamic PDF brochures. Inventory listing printable brochures with one-click PDF page production.
- Using social media, you can easily enhance client engagement by integrating social sharing.
- The Car Dealer theme is fully compatible with the WooCommerce plugin, allowing you to sell your goods online. This makes it “WooCommerce Ready.” You may build up a neat and contemporary store with the aid of this well-known e-commerce plugin.
- Choose from 800+ Google web fonts: When you customise the theme, you have access to a wide selection of typefaces thanks to the integration of Google online fonts.
- Translation-Ready: Using po and mo files, Car Dealer is completely ready for translation into any language.
- Install your WordPress theme with one click using the one-click DEMO data importer.
- ready for Contact Form 7: With the Contact Form 7 plugin, stunning contact forms may be created.
- Support for RTL: RTL languages. Therefore, it will appear correctly whether you write in a right-to-left language (such as Arabic, Puritan, Urdu, etc.).
- Cross-Browser Support: Works with all popular browsers (FireFox, Safari, Chrome, IE11).
- Design that is fully responsive very mobile-friendly Your site will appear fantastic on any device if it has a responsive design and retina-ready display.
- Support for MailChimp: MailChimp for WordPress enables you to grow your MailChimp lists with more subscribers by utilising an attractive and straightforward form. Easily add visitors to your WordPress site to your MailChimp lists. This form was developed, and a subscription component was included. Simply link your form to your MailChimp list and put the appropriate element on your website to complete the process.
- Endless Colors: The number of colours available at the car dealer is unlimited. Thousands of options exist for altering the look to suit your tastes and brand.
- Advanced Blog Options: A variety of post styles, including standard, quote, gallery, audio, and videos from YouTube, Vimeo, and other sites. With Masonry, Full Width, Left Sidebar, Right Sidebar, Classic, 2 Column, 3 Column, and 4 Column…
- Built on the most recent Bootstrap v3+ strong framework for quicker and simpler web development.
- Car Dealer has high-resolution icons and is retina ready. With Car Dealer, your website will appear fantastic on screens with high resolution and Retina resolution.
- 10 Stunning Home Page Alternatives: With 10 various and exceptional example homepages, you have options on how to create your own website.
- Well Documented: Both the online and offline documentation is quite thorough, step-by-step, and has been meticulously finished with instructions that are really simple to grasp. This allows you to utilise all of the capabilities to their fullest extent.
- Compatible with child themes: includes a simple child theme!
- Updates are automatically supported via the Envato Toolkit plugin (theme auto-update plugin).
- Easily alter the colour of each and every element you see! With the theme, building a website is simple even for non-programmers because there are plenty of options and components available.
- Individual inner page header Backgrounds: Individual page headers include custom backgrounds (Patterns, Images or Solid Color).
- Multiple Header Alternatives: Car Dealer offers a variety of header options, each with a unique combination of features that are sure to meet all of your requirements. Customers can choose the background colour, link colour, and header text colour.
- Sticky Header: The top of the header can be made sticky. The sticky header logo, content, link, and background colours are all editable by clients.
- HTML5 and CSS3 were used in the development; jQuery was also used.
- 60+ pre-configured page templates for Home, About, Service, F.A.Q., Team, Blog, Contact, and more! Lots of Page Options!
- Fully integrated bbPress plugin in the design!
- Fully integrated BuddyPress plugin design!
- Fast Performance: Top page speed and slow ratings with high performance, super-fast.
- Amazing responsive carousels will appear great on any device thanks to their responsive design.
- Professional and prompt 5-star support: Regardless of your level of expertise or experience, our Support Team will make every effort to offer the best solution to your problems.
- And a lot more…
- Exceptional beautiful animated slider
- No coding experience necessary
- (You may save $34 by not requiring an additional licence) Visual Composer
- Effective graphics are supplied on the dashboard, making it easy to interpret the information.
- Flexible import and export features with each export’s log included.
- Drag and drop functionality for simple automobile comparisons.
- Dealer forms come with three different postal options, straightforward instructions, and space to record each enquiry.
- The functioning of GEO Fencing and Promocode is straightforward and well-documented.
- Very simple drag and drop page creation
- A rapid start with 60+ pre-built pages
- flexible, user-friendly page choices
- Really thorough online documentation
- Without touching a single line of code, create beautiful websites.
- Boxed, framed, and standard layout possibilities You may also set the main body’s background image or colour when using the Boxed and Framed style.
- Site logo: You have the option to choose the site logo’s text or image format, height, stickiness, and whether it should appear on mobile devices.
- Sticky Header: For desktop and mobile devices, you may enable or disable the stick header. The sticky header logo, content, link, and background colours may all be changed.
- Back to Top: The back to top button can be enabled or disabled for desktop and mobile devices.
- Option to enable or disable the site preloader. Choose a preloader type from one of our 16 preloader GIF pictures, or submit your own.
- Site Header: In this section, you may change the settings for the site header, including the Header Type, Header Colors, Top Bar, Top Bar Colors, and other options.
- Topbar: Turn the top bar on or off. From here, you can use the drag and drop feature to control the items in the left and right top bars.
- Heading Separator: In “Section Title Shortcode,” you may choose to reveal or conceal the separator for the section title.
- Enable/disable the search icon in the header. Additionally, you may choose the Search Content Type and Input Placeholder Word from these options: post, and automobiles.
- Page Header: From here, you may control the page header’s settings, including the Titlebar Text Alignment, Breadcrumb, Page Header Height, Page Header Type (picture, colour, YouTube or Vimeo video), and other options.
- Footer: From here, you can control the footer options. You may choose the footer column layout, copyright section enable/disable, show copyright text, copyright background colour, text colour, link colour, and many other options. The footer background type (image or colour) and background opacity colour can all be managed.
- Color schemes let you adjust the site’s default colour to fit your design preferences.
- Choose from Full Width, Left Sidebar, and Right Sidebar for the page sidebar orientation in the sidebar settings.
- Currency Settings: You may change the currency’s symbol, location, and separator settings, among other things.
- Settings for the car page: These include options for the number of cars to display, the number of columns to display on the car list page, the layout of the car detail page, the visibility of sold automobiles on the listing, and more.
- Custom Forms: This section contains all settings for dealer inquiry forms, such as Contact Form 7, as well as settings for custom forms, such as mail title, mail body, and recipient mail id.
- API Keys: You may add the API keys for Mailchimp, Google Captcha, and Google Maps.
- You can customise the blog title, blog sidebars (full width, left sidebar, and right sidebar), blog layout (classic or masonry), and whether or not to display meta information on the blog page.
- Default Settings: You may define default values for your automobile, including its location and labels for the price, the city’s MPG, and the highway’s MPG.
- Choose which archive header information—such as author information, category information, and tag descriptions—should be displayed on blog archive pages under the archive settings.
- Single Post: Author Information, Related Posts, and Post Navigation are all toggleable. From here, you can control whether blog detail pages should display or conceal meta data.
- Team settings: There are two different team page layouts available. You can adjust to your needs.
- Settings for Woocommerce: These include the Product Listing Column, the Number of Products per Page, the Cart Icon in the Primary Menu, the Display Related Products option, the Number of Related Products per Page, and the Number of Columns for Woocommerce Related Products.
- Manage your social media profiles and the site’s contact information (including email, phone number, and business hours) from this page.
- Social sharing is a feature that you may enable or disable.
- Typography: You may change the Backup Font Family, Font Weight, Font Subsets, Font Size, Line Height, and Letter Spacing for the Body font as well as the h1 through h6 headings.
- You can enable or disable the maintenance mode or the coming soon mode. Additionally, you may customise the title, subtitle, date, display of the newsletter (enable or disable), and newsletter form.
- Custom CSS and Custom JS can both be added here.
- Example Data: From this page, you may import the pre-defined sample data that is displayed on our demo website.
- Show Object in Javascript Console Object is one of the available options.
- Options for Importing Data: You may export and import site data.
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