Photography | Photography WordPress for Photography
Wordpress theme that is responsive, clean, and basic; ideal for use with photography creative portfolio websites. Constructed on the most recent Wordpress technology. It is a responsive layout, so it appears amazing on all devices, which photography supports. It comes with predetermined styling that can be imported with a single click, making it ideal for creative designers, photographers, and design agencies.
Make Money out of your photography
- WooCommerce Using the WooCommerce Plugin, you can easily get started selling your artwork and photographs.
- Including a Direct Purchase Link option for each image’s support You can boost the number of images that are sold by providing your consumers with a link to make direct purchases for each image. Customers need to click the “purchase” link that is located on each image that they wish to purchase.
Present Works to Client Professionally
- Client’s Galleries with Login Support Theme allows photographers to create client pages that display assigned galleries of each client and also supports password protection for each client page. These features are available through the theme’s name, Client’s Galleries with Login Support.
- Photo Verification Not only does the theme enable a password-protected gallery, but it also has a tool for photo validation. Therefore, you can provide your customer access to a certain gallery and give them the ability to easily approve or reject photographs from within the gallery.
- Client Archive Page You can assign several galleries to each client using the client module that comes with the theme. Additionally, you have the option of creating a client archive page, which shows all clients on a single page. Your customers can easily login to view their galleries by clicking on their profile pictures.
- Customer Protection Theme provides protection for your work by supporting password-protected galleries, protection against right clicks, and protection against images being dragged.
Various Options for getting started
Showcase your artwork and images in a way that is completely unique by selecting from a range of gallery and portfolio styles or using the built-in content builder.
- 70+ predesigned templates for online portfolios and photo galleries The Photography module focuses on gallery and portfolio modules, which allow you to present your works in a distinctive manner and require simple steps to construct with our pre-defined themes and content generator.
- You may easily add many photographs into a gallery, which makes it a convenient way to display groupings of pictures on your website. Gallery
- Your works, including text, images, and videos, can all be displayed in your portfolio, which can be found on your website (Youtube, Vimeo, Self-Hosted Video and Custom link)
- Incredible Twenty-four Predefined Demos Your website may be up and running in a short amount of time with the help of our pre-defined 24 demos, which span both light and dark schemes.
- Importing Demo Content Requires Just One Click Only Importing our demo content, which includes pages, posts, sliders, widgets, theme options, and other settings, can be accomplished with a single click and is done in a manner that is both speedy and simple.
- 9 predefined layouts for single portfolios to choose from Showcase your work in a way that is both professional and straightforward with our designed single portfolio layout.
- 10 Blog Layouts to Choose From Multiple layouts for a single blog post provide you powerful options to employ for a variety of different applications. Post material can be shown with photographs, gallery slider shows, or videos from other sources, such as YouTube, Vimeo, or self-hosted videos, depending on the user’s preference. Additionally, blog posts can handle a variety of multimedia formats, such as photos, galleries, videos, soundcloud, and so on.
- You can quickly construct your own menu design with the help of these 8 Menu Layouts, each of which comes with 8 different menu designs and a variety of options that can be customised.
Amazing Builder
- With its intuitive Keynote app-like interface and live preview, the Live Content Builder makes it possible for anybody to simply build attractive pages. There are two modes available within this Content Builder: Live Mode and Classic Mode. When working in Live Mode, you will see the effects of any changes you make immediately. However, if you are already familiar with our builder, you can choose to work in Classic Mode in order to progress more quickly.
- Simple in Operation Keynote-like interface Easy-to-use content editor that has a UI resembling that of the keynote app. A clear overview of the content inspector, with quick previews of any modifications.
- The ability to add and manage content visually When you select contents to add to a page, rather than showing an icon, it displays a visual screenshot of the selected material.
- Preview that is responsive to user input. Within the content builder, you can immediately view and work with a responsive layout.
- Drag & Drop Content Builder You can create your multiple layouts in a single page without modifying the theme code by dragging and dropping our various pre-defined content modules like as a portfolio, gallery, blog, testimonials, and other modules. These modules include and are not limited to: Let’s test out the robust builder that’s already built in.
- Download and use as a model. It is possible to save Portfolio & Page as a template in order to use it for subsequent pages. This reduces the amount of time needed to create a new portfolio and page.
- Fully integrated with the WordPress Customizer View a live preview while you make changes to the Appearance settings. You will see the consequences immediately of any changes you make to the elements’ colours, backgrounds, typography, layout style, text, or photos, regardless of what you modify.
- Create a website that can simply adapt to different screen sizes. With just one click in the Live Customizer, you can show the findings in a view that is responsive across several devices, such as computers, tablets, and mobile phones.
- Typography with Live Previewing Capabilities Over five hundred and fifty or more Google Fonts are provided with each style, and any changes you make to a font will be reflected in real time when you use the Customizer. You won’t even need to touch the code to alter the size of the font, the style, or the colour.
- A variety of typographic options, including Main Content Font Family, Main Content Font Size, H1-H6 Font Family, H1-H6 Font Weight, and H1-H6 Font Size, can be changed with ease.
- Modify the button’s font family with ease.
- You should also simply adjust the typography of the Menu Font Family, Menu Font Size, Menu Padding, Menu Font Weight, Menu Font Spacing, and Menu Font Text Transform to be different from one another.
- Additionally, it is simple to adjust the SubMenu Font Size, the SubMenu Font Weight, the SubMenu Font Spacing, and the SubMenu Text Transform (None, Uppercase, Lowercase, and Capitalize).
- Easily adjust the Side Menu Font Family, Side Menu Font Size, Side Menu Font Spacing, and Side Menu Text Transform by making the appropriate adjustments (None, Uppercase, Lowercase, and Capitalize).
- In addition, it is simple to adjust the Page Header Padding Top and Page Header Padding Bottom, as well as the Page Title Font Size, Page Title Font Weight, Page Title Font Spacing, and Page Title Text Transform (None, Uppercase, Lowercase, Capitalize)
- Changes to the Content Builder Header Font Size and Content Builder Header Text Transform can also be made quickly and easily (None, Uppercase, Lowercase, Capitalize)
- In addition, it is simple to adjust the font size of the page title, as well as the font weight and spacing of the page tagline, as well as the text transform of the page tagline (None, Uppercase, Lowercase, Capitalize)
- Widget Title Font Family, Widget Title Font Size, Widget Title Font Weight, Widget Title Font Spacing, and Widget Title Text Transform are all simply modifiable, to say nothing of other options (None, Uppercase, Lowercase, and Capitalize).
- Image Options The protection against image dragging and right-clicking can be enabled with a single click. The Kenburns Effect performs the same thing for Gallery and Portfolio Options.
- Incredible Visuals to Accompany The ability to quickly apply images, patterns, and colours to the background of your website. Additionally, a wide variety of repeat choices can be made.
- It is simple to change the background colour of the Main Content Background Color, as well as the Background Color of Input and Textarea, and the Background Color of Buttons.
- In addition, you may customise the backdrop by changing the Menu Background Color, the Menu Background Image, the Menu Background Repeat, the Menu Background Size, the Menu Background Attachment, and the Menu Background Position.
- You may also easily set the background colour of the Sub Menu Hover State and the background colour of the Sub Menu itself.
- Additionally, the colour of the background of the top bar can be changed with ease.
- Altering the Side Menu Background Color, Side Menu Background Image, Side Menu Background Repeat, Side Menu Background Size, Side Menu Background Attachment, and Side Menu Background Position is as easy as changing the colour of the background.
- Additionally, the background colour of the search input can be simply changed.
- In addition, it is simple to change the background colour of the page header, the background colour of the footer, the image of the footer background, the number of times the footer background repeats itself, the size of the footer background attachment, and the position of the footer background.
- Infinite Variety of Colors Utilizing the colour picker, you can easily adjust the colours of the elements on your website.
- Modify the Main Content Background Color, Page Content Font Color, Page Content Link Color, Page Content Hover Link Color, H1-H6 Font Color, and Horizontal Line Color so that they are different colours.
- It is simple to set the various colours used for the Input and Textarea. Background Color, the Color of the Input and Textarea Font, the Color of the Input and Textarea Border, the Color of the Input and Textarea Focus State, the Color of the Button Background, the Color of the Button Font, and the Color of the Button Border.
- Additionally, changing the colour of the frame is simple.
- In addition, simply select a colour that is not the same as the one you want to use for the Menu Background Color, Menu Font Color, Menu Hover State Font Color, Menu Active State Font Color, and Menu Bar Border Color.
- Also, other aspects of the submenu’s appearance can be customised, including its font colour, hover state font colour, background colour for the hover state, background colour for the submenu itself, and border colour for the submenu.
- Modify the colour of the font used in the Mega Menu Header and the colour of the border around the Mega Menu with ease.
- The colour of the top bar’s background and the font colour of the top bar menu are both simply modifiable.
- You may also easily alter the colour of the side menu background, the colour of the side menu font, and the colour of the side menu hover state font.
- Modify the colour of the search input background as well as the colour of the search input font with ease.
- Modify the colour of the page header background, the font colour of the page title, and the font colour of the page tagline.
- Change the colour of the Sidebar Font, Sidebar Link, and Sidebar Hover Link, as well as the Font Color of the Sidebar Widget Title, with ease.
- Change the colour of the Page Footer background, the colour of the Footer font, the colour of the Footer link, the colour of the Footer Hover Link, the colour of the Footer border, and the colour of the Footer social icon easily.
Customer Support
- Once you have made your purchase, you will have access to our advanced support ticket system, where you will be able to receive professional support from our experienced and dedicated support team. This will ensure that you and your business always have the assistance you and it require, precisely when it requires it the most.
- Included in this package is the most comprehensive online and offline documentation possible.
- Updates to the Theme – The quality of our themes is now being worked on to be improved by the addition of new features and the elimination of bugs.
- Comments and suggestions from users are always appreciated for upcoming features.
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