UDesign – Responsive WordPress Theme
SEO(Search Engine Optimization)
UDesign was created with search engine optimization (SEO) in mind. The primary content block will always come first in the code hierarchy and be the first to be indexed by search engines, regardless of where it is placed on the page. The theme will also handle the headlines for you for improved SEO.
Responsive & Mobile Ready
You can choose a mobile-friendly layout with the UDesign theme. It is responsive and looks fantastic on a wide variety of screen sizes and resolutions, from large desktop monitors to iPads, iPhones, and other small mobile devices. Try your hand at it if you like! There are two separate mobile menus to choose from, each optimised for different screen sizes, and unique mobile logos included in the theme.
Great Choice for E-Commerce
The most popular e-commerce plugin, WooCommerce, is fully supported by the theme. Get a beautiful, functional, and mobile-friendly online shop up and running in no time.
Slider Revolution Responsive WordPress Plugin
This slider is highly flexible and adaptable. There are several different transition effects included, as well as an image preloader, video integrating, autoplay that pauses on user input, and many simple settings that you can utilise to make your own effects. The “UDesign” theme and the “Slider Revolution” plugin have been fully incorporated.
JQuery Swiper Slider With sliding Images and Sliding Text
It is possible to pause, restart, and skip to a specific slide using the controls provided. This slider’s useful feature is that it may be used to create the interactive appearance of three sliding layers.
Custom Widgets
- UDesign: Posts
- UDesign: Posts Navigation
- UDesign: Block widget
- UDesign: Products
- UDesign: Price Filter
- UDesign: Product Brands
- UDesign: Product Status
- UDesign: Filter Clean
Contact page
- Standardized fields for business contacts, ready for input on the theme’s Settings page. The page for the Option is also where you can enable or disable this feature. You may now more clearly present your business’s name, address, phone number, and other pertinent details by using the Business Contact Fields.
- Web-based e-mail submission form:
- Optional phone number confirmation (in the US-style) via the theme’s Settings page (disabled by default).
Subtle form verification (works with JavaScript ON or OFF) - For added safety, the contact form utilises reCAPTCHA.
Compatibility With WooCommerce
- Plugin ready with full design integration
- Intuitive theme options panel for industry leading customization options
- Options for 1-8 Columns
- Custom featured product swiper slider to display your products
- Full width or sidebar single product pages
- Full width or sidebar shop page
- Single product 360 degree gallery or default WooCommerce product gallery
- Single product image zoom on hover or disable zoom via options network
- Display products based on category, brand, ID or SKU
- Continued collaboration with WooCommerce team to ensure compatibility
Portfolio section
- Auto generate portfolio thumbnails
- You can add description to each portfolio item
- Specify the number of items per page
- Automatic pagination
- Option to include/exclude date, post metadata and comments from the portfolio item’s individual post
- Custom sidebar with widgets and sidebar position control for the portfolio item’s individual post
- Galleries
- Sortable/Filterable Portfolios, you can filter by Category or by Tags, also sort by Alphabetical and Ascending/Descending order
- 4 layout options to choose from; Grid, Masonry, Creative Grid & Slider
- 1-8 column classic layout options
- 1-8 column text layout options along with a boxed or unboxed mode
- Portfolio Masonry layout with unique hover effect
- Portfolio Grid layout
- Chose from auto image sizes or cropped image sizes
- Global theme options settings and individual page and post settings
- Set up multiple portfolio pages and set custom categories per page
- Choose custom layout for archive/category pages
- Select specific categories for each portfolio, fully customized
- Set custom skills and tags for each portfolio posts
Megamenu section
- Formatting of Huge Menus, or Mega Menus.
- Consistent menus with a dropdown structure consisting of three levels.
- Widget-friendly; incorporates media, web-based forms, and more.
- Normal usage involves using 1–4 columns.
- Toggle between full-width and a custom pixel value for the menu.
- Adjust the width of individual columns to create unique designs.
- Put photographs in the mega menu’s backdrop, either all at once or in separate columns.
- Add images or thumbnails that you’ve designed to the menu items.
- Labels can be placed to any menu item’s highlight to provide further context.
Compatibility With Popular Plugins
- WooCommerce compatible with full design integration
- ACF compatible with full design integration
- WPForms compatible with full design integration
- Essential Grid compatible with full design integration
- Meta Box compatible
- Post Types Unlimited compatible with full design integration
- PWA for WP compatible with full design integration
- The Events Calendar compatible with full design integration
- bbPress compatible with full design integration
- WPML plugin ready
- Yoast SEO plugin ready
- Polylang plugin ready
- Learnpress plugin ready
- buddyPress plugin ready
- W3 Total Cache plugin ready
Layout Options
- Use any page format you’d like.
- Choose from boxed, fluid, or full size to adjust the site’s layout.
- Make a popup using the page’s built-in popup builder.
- Add a header message to a website selling goods online or whatever.
- Create the page using a variety of builders (header, footer, block, etc.)
- You can change the background colour and/or image in the page’s title bar individually for each post or page.
- Page types (traditional and canvas) can have their sidebars positioned in the top, left, and right positions.
- Select a full-screen background image, or play about with the repeat settings.
- Pages and posts can be set to either boxed or wide style.
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