WooEvents – Calendar and Event Booking
WooEvents is a plugin for Wordpress that makes it easy to create events, create a calendar of events, create a map of events, create a scheduler for events, and handle all of your online events. Make it possible for visitors to sign up for accounts, submit proposals, and schedule events.
- Bookings, allow users to booking events
- Work with well-known Woocommerce extensions such as the discount, payment, and product addon.
- Help with purchases made through WooCommerce.
- Three Primary Functions: Events, Style for Woocommerce, and News. Custom (sell event and product with plugin style), Only make use of the information. (Sell only event or both with your theme style)
- Recurring activities on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, as well as on special days or dates of your choosing
- Create an event and offer tickets with the help of WooCommerce.
- Multiple Payment mode
- Users submit Events
- Email notification to admin when users submit event
- Email to user when booking or booking success or cancel
- User History booking
- Events grid, carousel shortcode
- Table Shortcode
- Timeline Shortcode
- Lists Countdown
- Listing upcoming or past event
- Ical import and Google Calendar support
- Limit the number of bookings in an event
- Custom ticket types
- Free ticket support
- Event status (number tickets, status tickets)
- Calendar with tooltip, agenda week, agenda day, basic week, basic day view table
- Calendar Shortcode
- Block booking before X day event start
- Single event with 3 layout
- Listing filter bar (upcoming, ongoing, past)
- Event Search widget
- Event with scheduler
- Event navigation
- Event with speaker
- Coupon code
- Support category, tag
- Visual Comporser Support
- Custom thumbsize
- Supper easy configuration
- Barcode and PDF invoice support
- Export to CSV attendees info
- Delete all events has passed in one click
- And much more.
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