A complete website customization toolkit
Learn how CSS Hero can help your website stand out from the competition.
Add great background images to your site
You now have access to an almost limitless supply of incredible, royalty-free, high quality photographs to utilise in your projects thanks to Unsplash.
Search for a picture using a keyword, select its size, and quickly use it as the background image for any site element.
It’s never been so simple to find excellent photos.
Live Mobile Preview
You can get a real-time preview of the results of your customizations on your mobile phone while you modify your website with CSS Hero.
Nothing compares to seeing the actual thing on your physical gadget.
Use your mobile device to scan the QR Code located on the CSS Hero editor’s bottom bar.
Any new modification will now be immediately accessible on your mobile device as well.
Use any Font
You may now upload your own custom fonts in addition to having built-in support for Google Fonts, Typekit, and any other type of font (.otf,.ttf and .woff supported).
Video Backgrounds
With the advent of video backdrops, you can now make your website content more engaging and compelling. You have access to a large library of free Coverr video at your disposal.
On-scroll Animations
Apply on-scroll animations to every element on your sites with ease. Choose from a variety of effects, like as fade, flip, slide, and zoom.
The reliable, portable, and flexible AOS animation library is used in CSS Hero to implement animations.
HTML \ CSS Inspector
a built-in inspection tool that allows you to precisely analyse and pinpoint the components you wish to modify.
Live Javascript Editor
With live linting and rendering, you can now add your own JavaScript code and include well-known libraries into your websites right from the home page.
Sitewide Preview
Gather a global visual perspective of your project by seeing how your CSS site modifications spread to every area of your site.
Use CSS readymade snippets, or store and recall your own
There is a library of CSS snippets included with CSS Hero that you may use right away on the page elements.
For instance, you can quickly transform a simple link into a stylish button.
In addition, you avoid the tedious “copy-paste” method by creating your own unique custom CSS snippets and assigning them to various site components while maintaining a single point of management.
Awesome color combinations
After choosing your brand’s colour, CSS Hero can assist you in locating colours that closely resemble it.
Stop spending time trying to find the ideal hues for your website.
Error proof workflow
All of your adjustments are recorded by CSS Hero in a thorough history list.
If you make a mistake, don’t worry—using the undo and redo buttons will allow you to easily go back and forth.
Instant Recovery
In the event of a plugin crash or any unintentional data loss, you may easily recover your most recent working modifications.
Save Checkpoints
Without having to push your changes live, you may save snapshots of your work, save alternate versions, pick your favourite, and publish.
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