Ninja Forms Multi-Part Forms
Ninja Forms Multi-Part Forms Make any longer form into a multi-page form to increase the number of applications received for that form. Move fields between pages by dragging and dropping them, add breadcrumb navigation and a progress indicator, and do much more!
Have you ever decided against completing out a form because it appeared to be a tedious, time-consuming, and difficult task? We can all admit it. The pace of our lives is fast, and the time we have for leisure is limited. WordPress forms that appear to be lengthy and complicated are simply going to receive less user involvement than those that are more straightforward.
- Do fewer people complete your longer forms than your shorter ones?
- Do a number of people look at a page, but then they leave without filling out the form there?
- Do you want to dramatically increase the percentage of people who complete any lengthier form?
The answer to your problem is found in Multi Step Forms! Create less intimidating and more easily manageable portions within longer forms by breaking them up into smaller parts.
Create multi step forms effortlessly with a drag-and-drop interface
It requires nothing more than a few clicks of the mouse to accomplish the task of dividing an existing lengthy form that is only on one page into multiple pages. With the complete drag-and-drop interface that comes standard with Multi Step Forms, arranging and organising your content has never been easier. Putting together a fresh application? To create a new page, you need only select a button, and then you can immediately start adding the fields you require there. In order to facilitate simple editing at any moment, fields can be moved freely between pages by dragging and dropping them.
Tap into a host of options to make navigating your forms easier
Your users will have access to additional choices that, in addition to the ability to move between pages, will make it simpler for them to navigate a lengthy form.
- Provide each section with a title, as well as the choice to display that title.
- Showing the breadcrumb navigation at the top of the form will make it simple to navigate to each component.
- Include a progress indicator in the form you’re using.
- Utilizing a purely drag-and-drop user interface, you can quickly arrange and categorise sections and even entire pages.
- Buttons for going forward and backward that can be customised.
In addition, each page of your Multi Step Forms certifies on its own, which means that any errors made by the user will be shown to them before they can proceed!
Show your users only the pages they need, when they need them.
Utilize the power of the Conditional Logic add-on to give your multi-step WordPress forms even more adaptability. Show or hide specific sites depending on the information that is entered into a field by your users! In the event that a user indicates that they will be bringing three guests to your gathering, do you need three additional pages of information? If they only indicate two, then how many are there? It is not only feasible, but also incredibly fast and simple to do so directly from the comfort of your form builder.
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