SUMO Affiliates Pro
How to Install SUMO Affiliates Pro?
- The most recent release of SUMO Affiliates Pro can be obtained at by downloading the file.
- Plugins files, such as, can be accessed by extracting the archive.
- Get the most recent version of SUMO Affiliates Pro ( and install it using the WordPress administration panel.
- Turn on the add-on.
How to Upgrade to a newer version of SUMO Affiliates Pro
- Turn off and remove the previous SUMO Affiliates Pro installation from your server.
Obtain the most recent release of SUMO Affiliates Pro from Codecanyon by downloading the file. - Plugins files, such as, can be accessed by extracting the archive.
- The most up-to-date version of SUMO Affiliates Pro ( can be installed through the WordPress Admin Area.
- Turn on the add-on.
- WordPress Plugin with Extensive Affiliate Management Functionality
- Excellent support for WooCommerce plugins.
- Earn a commission for each contact form submission made via your link.
- here is my affiliate link! – Inquiry Form
- WordPress Forms, the Powerful Form Builder.
- If you’re an affiliate marketer, you can get paid by directing traffic to articles that have “landing commission shortcodes” on them.
- Affiliate signups from new users.
- Users can attach necessary materials to the affiliate registration form at the time of submission.
- During the signup process on WooCommerce, users are given the option to join an affiliate programme.
- Registered users can also become affiliates.
- When a registered user expresses interest in joining the affiliate programme, it is up to the site admin to determine how to manage the affiliate account. Create a separate persona for your affiliate marketing endeavours. Administrators should be able to opt in to receiving and sending affiliate activity alerts by text message and email.
- Affiliates can be managed independently by admins.
- The manager of the site can choose to immediately approve all affiliate applications if they so choose.
- A centralised admin dashboard allows affiliates to manage everything about their campaign.
- An infinite number of additional tabs can be added to the affiliate control panel if the site’s operator so chooses.
- Any number of affiliate links set up by a partner is permitted.
- A QR code can be used as a downloadable image link for affiliate marketing purposes.
- Only the advertised product can be purchased through an affiliate link.
- Sign up for referrals as an affiliate.
- Affiliate-specific landing pages can be created by site admins.
- The website owner has control over the verification of affiliate links.
- Site owners can let their affiliates pick their own affiliate slugs by creating a field for the combination “Affiliate ID – Affiliate Name,” which can be used to identify the affiliate.
- If the site owner allows affiliates to generate “readable” affiliate links, the affiliates will be able to promote your products without including an affiliate link (Pretty affiliate links).
- Affiliates have a multi-tiered sales and promotion structure.
- Individuals have the freedom to customise their MLM commission structure by changing the minimum required number of direct referrals, the number of levels at which commission is awarded, and the rate of MLM commission at each level.
- Paid Sign-Up Bonuses
- Money Made From Referrals
- Profits Generated From WooCommerce-Sold Items
- Affiliate commissions for individual products can be set by the site operator.
- With this plugin, the site owner has the option of paying affiliates a lifetime commission on sales made by customers they suggest who use the associated WooCommerce discount codes.
- Make a new database to store the referring URL for each affiliate link.
Any sales made through an affiliate link will be tracked. - Referrals that are implemented successfully should be recorded in a separate database.
- Site administrators have the option of instantly or manually authorising referrals.
- Referral bonuses might be capped at a set amount or restricted to a certain product category.
- If the recommended user has exceeded the maximum number of orders or the maximum spending amount on the site, the site administrator may choose not to pay the affiliate commission. The amount of the referred user’s order exceeds the maximum for a single purchase.
- The administrator may assign a commission share to an affiliate who was selected by a customer at checkout.
- The site owner can provide affiliates with order details for customers they refer.
- Possibility for website owners to earn a commission on purchases made after clicking on their affiliate links.
- Site administrators have the option of either: – rewarding the affiliate whose link was clicked first with a larger payment compared to the affiliate whose link was clicked last with a smaller commission compared to doing nothing at all if the affiliates’ links were clicked in that order; or – doing neither.
- When it comes time to pay out affiliate commissions, site managers have a few different alternatives.
- Cash, Affiliate Wallet, or Rewards Points are all viable options (Requires SUMO Reward Points)
- When sending out affiliate emails from the site’s backend, administrators have the option of attaching files.
- Site administrators may want to include PDF versions of payoff statements to their payout announcements.
- When a recommendation is made, site admins and affiliates can choose to be notified through pushover.
- It’s up to the discretion of the administrator whether or not to display an affiliates’ ratings table.
- Both the administrator and the affiliate have access to detailed reports on the site’s affiliate marketing.
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