White Label Branding for WordPress
Are you a WordPress developer or a web designer that builds websites for customers using WordPress? If the latter, I’d want to talk to you.
Have you ever desired that it was simpler to personalise the menus and logos in WordPress, as well as choosing which menus the users have access to? If so, you are not alone.
This is exactly something that is possible with White Label Branding for WordPress. In the wp-admin area, you may assume complete control over the branding and select who has access to which services.
You now have access to the most powerful tool available for personalising the WordPress admin and the login page thanks to the most recent release of White Label Branding.
We have included a robust Role and Capability Manager that will enable you to establish new user roles and provide them capabilities. This feature was requested by many of our users.
You have the ability to extend the powers of particular user Roles, and you can even make a “fake” administrator account for yourself. If you want to give your customers “admin” access while at the same time restricting the areas of the site to which they have access, you may utilise this.
The true administrator will likewise be concealed from the users list when this change is made. A customer who uses the “fake” administrator account will never have any reason to suspect that they do not have complete access to all of the system’s functions if they use this method.
You may also make advantage of the recently implemented WLB Administrator capability, which is another option. Because of this, you will have the ability to conceal components from other Administrators. Simply enter the username of each Administrator who needs to be allowed to see all aspects of the wp-admin interface.
Additionally, we have included advanced colour control for the whole wp-admin interface, and you now have the ability to design your own complex login templates. You will have access to our Free Downloadable Content once you have entered a valid License Key for your copy of White Label Branding for WordPress. This will enable you to download our widely used Visual CSS Editor.
Please take note that in order to use WordPress Multisite, you will require our specialised version that is designed specifically for WordPress Multisite.
Dashboard Tool
- Utilizing the Dashboard Tool, one may generate an endless number of personalised dashboard metaboxes. You will have the ability to apply Access Control to each Metabox if you have our Pages by User Role plugin installed. This enables a totally individualised approach to controlling which Metaboxes each user sees (Administrator, Editor, Author, Contributor or Subscriber).
- Enable Branding
- Add your own Favicon
- Add you own Header Logo (Depreciated in WordPress 3.3)
- Set custom height of header area (Depreciated in WordPress 3.3)
- Add Developer Logo (Footer)
- Add Developer Name
- Add Developer URL
- Remove “WordPress” from title
- Hide update nag message
- Hide update download link
- Hide Contextual Help
- Hide Screen Options
- Hide Favorite Actions
- Set custom From Email Address
- Set custom Email From Name
- Add a metabox to the public dashboard that may be seen by all users, including subscribers, contributors, authors, editors, and administrators.
- Include a private metabox in the dashboard that is only accessible to Editors.
- Add a private metabox to the dashboard that can only be seen by administrators.
- In the Custom Dashboard Boxes, you may use both HTML and Shortcodes.
- Take off each individual widget from the WordPress dashboard.
- Get rid of the individualised dashboard widgets that were created by other plugins.
- Hide Top-level Menus (Dynamic generated list that shows all the menus depending on which plugins you have installed).
- Hide Sub-level Menus (Dynamic generated list that shows all the menus depending on which plugins you have installed).
- Utilizing a simple drag-and-drop user interface, the Top-level Menus may have their order changed.
- You can hide particular elements in the Admin Bar (can also be based on User Roles and Capabilities)
- Cover up the Admin Bar.
- Cover up the Admin Bar. Configuration based on profile
- Rename menu in wp-admin
- Alter the icons of the menus in the wp-admin (type face retina support)
Screen Options
- Set Default Screen Layout for all users
- Set Default Screen Layout per user
- Remove Individual Screen Options
This is located in the upper right-hand corner of your wp-admin dashboard, not in the WLB Settings menu.
Visual CSS Editor
White Label Branding for WordPress employs the widespread use of our Visual CSS Editor. You will have the ability to personalise the wp-admin interface, including the colours, styles, and fonts. You may select from among more than 800 different Google Web Fonts.
In addition, the WordPress login screen, the Register screen, and the Forgot Password page may all be readily customised.
- In-Depth Configuration
- Allow for the management of roles and capabilities
- Take away the Administrator User Role from the list of users.
- Activate the User-Defined Dashboard Tool
- Configurations, File Import and Export (easily backup global settings and import global settings)
Language Localization
- English support
- Spanish support
- German support
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