WordPress Country Selector
Direct the people you’re working with to your country-specific website, which has been translated into their language. Take this scenario, for instance: A customer from the Netherlands visits your store or website in French (for example, www.site.fr). That shouldn’t be too much of an issue, but I noticed that your website is already available in Dutch (for example, www.site.nl)! Why not just reveal it to him then? The user will be informed, via a straightforward Country Selector Popup, that there is a Dutch website that he may access by using this application.
You’re not a fan of the advertisement, are you? Simply display a “Choose your Nationality” widget in either the footer or the header for the user to select. The user will then be brought to an Overview screen that contains all of your country-specific websites when they click this. including symbols, maps, and the various continents!
Putting the most important things first: The material will be displayed in the language selected by the user!
- More than 5 distinct formats could be used.
- Show Default Country: If none of the user’s linguistic options are covered, show the URL for the default country.
If this is not the case, the individual will not receive a Popup. - Typical Country URL: This website will be utilised in the event that the user’s location-specific needs are not met!
- The user will be automatically redirected if you use the force redirect method.
- Set the number of seconds that should pass before the Transfer is executed.
- Display a page for choosing the country
- URL for the Nationality Selector Change the Address of your Country Selector.
It is imperative that you include the following shortcode: [wordpress country selector]. - Continents should be displayed as a filter.
- 2 different page styles
- Display the Banners of the Countries.
- 2 Flag Design (simple and circle)
- Display a Map of the Kingdom
- Display the Nationality Notification Popup.
- 2 Popup Design (Modal, Header)
- Change Popup Text Color
- Change the colour of the background of the popup.
- Modal dimension
- Display the header
- Personalized Text for the Banner
- Show Physique
- Display the Footer
- Bespoke CSS: If you want, you can add some stylesheets here.
- Well Documentented
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