Constructo Theme
Amazing Fonticons
Font Awesome, Open Iconic, Typicons, Entypo, Linecons, and Mono Social are just some of the font icon sets available.
Easy Import
Choose from eleven distinct, fully importable examples included in our package to launch your site quickly.
Revolution Slider
In Constructo, we included the industry’s top slider. Simply put, the flexibility is incredible, yet it’s also quite straightforward to use.
Woocommerce Inside
The integration between Constructo and Woocommerce is smooth sailing. You can immediately begin a successful product sale.
Translation Ready
Produced employing WordPress’s recommended procedures for translating content. For simpler translation, we fully support WPML and Loco translate.
Control All Colors
Color combinations are nearly limitless with our Theme Options. Alter the look of the whole theme.
Header Types
Constructo includes five distinct header types that can be combined in countless ways.
Google Maps
With our Multi-Site Google Maps, you can now showcase your company’s locations all over the world. Direct and effective in its simplicity.
Fully Responsive
Incredibly, Constructo performs superbly on all cutting-edge gadgets. diences of all types and sizes will be attracted by your great experience.
Constructo was written according to industry standards so that it will perform well in search engines.
Live Customizer
The WordPress customizer that updates in real time allows you to make aesthetic adjustments to your theme. Check out how things will look on your website before launching it to the public.
Utilize the power of Visual Composer and 88 available shortcodes to whip up your page in no time.
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