EventON Ticket Variations & Options
Are you interested in using eventON to offer tickets for one of your upcoming events? The best solution for your ticket sales needs is Woocommerce’s Event Tickets plugin, which is enabled by Woocommerce. Instead of spending a percentage of your ticket sales, consider using an add-on for event tickets.
Sell tickets for your events
You’ll be able to offer tickets for your events with the help of the Tickets addon for eventON, which is powered by woocommerce. This addon provides a high level of customization to meet your requirements, including variable prices, a guest roster for the event, additional ticket holders for the event, the ability to sell tickets on an individual basis, the ability to receive questions from customers prior to making a purchase, and a variety of other useful features.
Email Attendees
You can email attendees based on their purchase status from the event edit page, or you can email the attendee list to someone else.
Guest List as CSV
You can use third-party mail clients or guest checking services if you download the guest roster as a CSV file and use it.
View Attendees and Check Them In
Check in attendees for an event directly from the event edit page within wp-admin, as well as watch who has already registered for the event. You can also use the actionUser and QR Code addons to check in visitors on the frontend using the QR Code Reader application on your mobile device.
Event Capacity for Repeating Events
When it comes to recurring events, you have the option of managing event capacity on a per-repeating-instance basis.
Show Remaining Count Only When Count Go Below
You can configure it so that the remaining ticket total will only be displayed after a predetermined number of tickets have been purchased.
Sell Individually or Multiple Tickets
Customers should be given the option to purchase a single ticket or to add multiple tickets to their cart at the same time.
Stop Selling Tickets Before Event Start
You have the option of deciding a certain number of minutes before the event begins when ticket sales will end.
Restrict Only Loggedin Guests to Buy Tickets
If you restrict the ability to buy tickets for events, only logged-in members of your website will be able to do so; any other visitors to your site will be unable to purchase tickets.
Auto Re-stock Ticket for Cancelled/Refunded Orders
When orders are canceled or refunded, you have the option to activate the settings to automatically replenish the tickets and increase the stock of event tickets.
Compatible with EventON Virtual Events
Customers will not be able to view the virtual event access information (url/pass) until after they have purchased event tickets if the virtual event interoperability feature is utilized.
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