LearnDash LMS Addons
LearnDash Add-ons
LearnDash, the free plugin at the system’s foundation, provides everything necessary to maintain an LMS functional. You can, however, take advantage of both paid and open-source LearnDash extensions to enhance your site’s capabilities.
Installing a membership plugin that is tailored to LearnDash is one way to add a membership-based feature to a website built on the platform.
However, not all plugins in the WordPress repository have been developed with LearnDash in mind. Consequently, we have compiled a comprehensive list of the best LearnDash plugins that can help your e-learning website reach new heights, so you can make an informed decision while building your site. All of these enhancements were developed specifically for LD and will greatly enhance your gaming experience. Observe carefully:
A Learning Management system entails more than just generating new courses. You’ll also need to keep track of information related to each course, including its participants, number of lessons, subjects, assignments, and instructors. We’ve put together a collection of useful LearnDash Course administration add-ons so that you, your teachers, and your students can take control of your courses.
LearnDash Dashboard with Frontend Course Editor
LearnDash Dashboard is an official and fully-featured add-on for LearnDash that gives admins, teachers, and students their own personalised monitoring interface. With their own personal dashboard, students may organise their whole academic experience, from courses and lessons to communication with instructors and peers.
Features of LearnDash Dashboard include
- Separate control panel to monitor students, staff, and classes.
- Stats and charts based reporting for each every class.
- Details catered to the individual student, illustrated by charts and graphs.
- Discreet Communication Choices.
- Student, Staff, and Faculty Activity Stream.
- Courses, lessons, and other study components are tallied.
- There are a plethora of customization options, including the ability to add a list of tasks and a remark section.
This plugin makes it simple for everyone—administrators, teachers, and students—to monitor their courses and assignments in one central location.
Dashboard Widgets
LearnDash’s Dashboard Widgets Plugin for WordPress merely adds two widgets—Overview and Courses—to the Dashboard page of your WordPress control panel. The amount of available classes, lessons, subjects, quizzes, certificates, questions, tasks, and classes are all displayed in this widget. Furthermore, up to ten courses can be displayed in this widget, together with statistics and buttons to alter course-specific content.
Course Scheduler
LearnDash has a built-in course scheduler that teachers can use to set up regular class times. This plugin makes it easy for a manager to schedule active classes by dragging and dropping them onto a calendar. There are two display options: only display courses on the selected dates, or display courses on all dates except those selected. In addition, admins can personalise the planned content with messages of their own choosing.
Features of this plugin include
- Including numerous classes on certain dates
- The practise of adding the same classes on different schedules
- Move classes to another schedule using drag and drop
- Expose course schedule widgets
- Customize the widget messages and much more
 Quiz Import/Export
Challenge Your Knowledge with LearnDash! LearnDash’s quizzes can be imported and exported with the Import/Export add-on. The essay question type is one of the several that can be asked with this add-on for Learnash. Using this plugin, you may quickly and easily export a quiz from LearnDash as an XLS template file, and then import that XLS template back into LearnDash as a quiz. Any question type that can be asked in LearnDash can be included in the exported template.
Adaptive Learning
Adaptive Learning with LearnDash, another helpful plugin by Wooninjas, gives administrators the freedom to create courses with a degree of randomness. Many different child courses, each with its own course level, are possible. Depending on how they do on the parent course’s quiz, students will be placed into related “child” courses.
Features of this addon include
- The administrator can make as many tiers as needed, each corresponding to a distinct outcome in the main course.
- Adaptive learning statistics for each individual student are also available in the profile area for administrators to peruse.
Wisdm Learners’ Power Pack
Have you ever been given complete control over your own LearnDash site, including the ability to add and remove courses, manage your own students, and receive direct feedback on your courses?
All your problems can be solved with the Wisdm Learners’ Power Pack, a collection of four plugins in one convenient package. Any LMS Admin may have the best possible LearnDash website with the help of the Learners’ Power Pack.
Here are the powerpack plugins included in WISDM Learner’s Power Pack
Wisdm Instructor Role Plugin
The burden of developing and maintaining training programmes is removed from your shoulders. It is possible to give teachers the authority to design and administer their own courses from within their own dashboards, apart from the administrative one. Teachers can see how their classes are doing, have one-on-one chats with students, and access a wealth of other information.
Wisdm Ratings, Reviews, and Feedback Plugin
Feedback and ratings from past students are a great way to boost course reputation and, in turn, enrollment numbers. In order to gauge your pupils’ grasp of the material, you need access to honest evaluations and comments from their peers.
Wisdm Quiz Reporting Plugin
With the help of this add-on, you may export data on which quizzes your students have taken. It is possible to export reports for a single user’s performance on a quiz, or for all users’ performance on a certain quiz. Cloner Plugin for Wisdm LearnDash Content: Courses can be made more efficiently and effectively. This plugin allows you to quickly and easily duplicate your course’s full structure, including all of its lessons, topics, and assessments. Instead than visiting to each individual cloned course, lesson, or topic page, you may rename all of the names at once.
Wisdm LearnDash Content Cloner Plugin
Courses can be made more efficiently and effectively. This plugin allows you to quickly and easily duplicate your course’s full structure, including all of its lessons, topics, and assessments. Instead than visiting to each individual cloned course, lesson, or topic page, you may rename all of the names at once.
LearnDashGroups or Community Add ons
LearnDash’s community extensions make it easy to build a social network for students and instructors on your WordPress-based LMS. These plugins are designed to work seamlessly with LearnDash, letting you build a network of users, forums, and groups on your site.
PeepSo Learndash Integration
PeepSo is a fantastic plugin that will assist you in developing a fully-featured community website. With the LearnDash Integration plugin for PeepSo, both students and teachers can access course-related data in their profiles. As they advance, they can report their achievements to the group. Using this add-on, you can provide your kids a reason to compete with one another while also providing them with a platform to showcase their accomplishments and inspire one another to do better.
Options for Courses inside individual profile
- Make it possible for Courses to participate in PeepSo Community projects
- You can alter the messages sent out upon a student’s successful enrollment, completion of the course, a lesson, a topic, a quiz, and a course comment.
- Adjust the synchronisation of their course activities
- A list of courses and certificates, plus more, can be displayed.
Learndash WpForo
wpForo is a popular WordPress plugin that lets you add discussion boards to your site. You can, however, use the LearnDash wpForo extension to incorporate discussion forums into your LearnDash-powered site. Having discussion boards built into your classes is a great way to get more students involved in what you’re teaching them. Additionally, this plugin incorporates a setting that lets you restrict access to your forums to specific users or groups.
Additionally, you can choose to restrict participation in the forum to enrolled students, while letting visitors who have not yet signed up for the course view the threads. You can use the forum as a great way for your students and teachers to communicate with each other.
Uncanny LearnDash Groups
Uncanny Without granting them access to the WordPress backend, the LearnDash Groups plugin is a terrific way to sell courses to organisations and users while still giving them the ability to administer and monitor reports on their own groups and users from the front end.
Without accessing the wp-admin or backend of the site, group leaders can manage their enrolled users with this plugin. This plugin makes it simple for group facilitators to welcome new members, send out password reset emails, and contact all of the group’s members at once.
Other useful features of this plugin include
- There are five reports available to track individual and team performance.
- Add them to the group right away.
- View the standing of your students and acquire their diplomas
- WooCommerce integration allows you to sell memberships to businesses.
LearnDash BuddyUp
WooNinja’s BuddyUp addon for LearnDash facilitates the formation of study groups between students using the platform. In these groups, enrolled students can talk about class topics between themselves. An administrator has the ability to set a maximum member count for chat rooms and remove members as needed.
Features of this plugin include
- Course-related live chat
- Several online communities for conversation
- Strong leadership in Buddy Up clusters
LearnDash Student Voice
Using LearnDash Student Voice, you can get your students involved as writers and editors in their own courses. It encourages your students to participate in the development of their LearnDash courses and provides a platform for them to do so in real time.
Features of this addon include
- Learners’ input and comments are solicited and encouraged.
- Post accepted comments and assignments on the main syllabus page.
- Code snippets highlighting the work of individual students
- There is a special administration panel for handling donations and other tasks.
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