Product Options for WooCommerce
Extra Product Options & Add-Ons for WooCommerce grants you the ability to develop personalised add-ons and fields for your WooCommerce products! You have access to a wide variety of field kinds, including radio buttons, checkboxes, drop-down menus, text inputs, range selectors, and product elements, amongst others!
Does the functionality of your WooCommerce Products, as it currently stands, fulfil your requirements? Do you want to incorporate conditional logic into your forms? Do you need additional pricing choices to attract the attention of your customers? Extra Product Options is the best WordPress Product Plugin available, and it’s what you’ve been looking for all along.
You have the ability to generate priced product alternatives and addons, conditional logic (inside the form builder), develop forms, style and verify features, change the variant attributes dropdowns to radio buttons, image swatches or swatches, and a great deal more.
The Form Builder gives you complete control over the positioning of all of your newly added fields. Complete support for text areas, checkboxes, radio buttons, select boxes, colour pickers, range pickers, and input boxes, as well as upload, date, and date and time pickers.
- Checkboxes, radio buttons, image swatches, text swatches, colour swatches, choose boxes, textareas, input boxes, upload, date, range picker, colour picker, and product components are among the features that can be supported by this plug-in.
- Product element feature! In addition to the main product, you can add one or more other items to the shopping basket.
- Calculate element prices using math formula!
- Calculate element prices using a lookup table!
- Calculate element prices using shortcodes!
- Global enabled elements.
- Toggle the activation of the plugin as well as the global elements for particular roles.
- Enable extra options in shop and category view.
- Hide add-to-cart button until an element is chosen.
- Hide add-to-cart button until all elements are chosen.
- Control the placement of the elements and totals box.
- Turn on or off a floating totals box that displays the elements that have been selected.
- Alter many plugin strings directly from the control panel.
- Validation features.
- Form Fields Builder
- Through the use of action hooks, you can display your elements outside of the WooCommerce product screen.
- There are a variety of pricing methods, such as a fixed number, a percentage of the product’s initial price, the current value (also known as “Name your price”), a mathematical formula, a lookup table, and others.
- Price per character feature for text-fields and text-areas.
- Price per word feature for text-fields and text-areas.
- Limit check-box selection.
- Exact selection feature for check-boxes.
- Minimum selection feature for check-boxes.
- Import/export functions to forms.
- Lazy load images for image swatches.
- Make the appropriate changes to the product image for the radio button, tick boxes or pick boxes.
- Extra styling for radios and check-boxes.
- Performance increase for large number of elements.
- Pick the grid display option for the checkboxes, and go with the radio button option for the global forms.
- Show or hide prices depending on whether you are viewing the product page, the shopping cart, or the order.
- Display a section as a pop up.
- Form builder functionality that includes conditional logic for individual fields and sections.
- Display options for sections include the usual layout, a pop-up window, and a slider.
- Upload manager
- Detailed documentation.
- and more …
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