CouponHut – Coupons & Deals Theme
With CouponHut, you can easily create a website offering amazing deals, discounts, or coupons. It features a clean and contemporary responsive design, a drag and drop page creator, custom widgets, and a rating system.
CouponHut is a coupon and deals website that is powered by WordPress, a content management system that is used all over the globe. This was the primary motivation behind CouponHut’s design and development. Because of its powerful Options Panel and Member Registration, it is an excellent choice for use on an associate website.
If you want a low rate of website abandonment, you need to have a website that is engaging and easy to navigate so that visitors will interact with your content and share your discounts with their family and friends. According to recent research, the majority of today’s users interact with the material of websites using their mobile devices.
This indicates that your brand-new website needs to display beautifully across a broad variety of different devices, including desktop computers, laptop computers, smartphones, and tablets of varying shapes and sizes. And who wants the bother anyway? CouponHut handles everything mentioned above and much more on your behalf. Designed to accommodate the abundance of electronic devices, tablets, and smartphones available in today’s market, leaving you with nothing else to do but take over the world with your incredible coupon code offers!
Deals & Coupons
Everyone enjoys a good deal, and with your brand-new, top-notch website, which is stuffed to the gills with exceptional good deals and coupons, you are sure to please.
It goes without saying that CouponHut is based on the rock-solid cornerstone of a first-rate eCommerce website, but more on that in a bit. For now, the most important thing for you to understand is that you have a great deal of flexibility with CouponHut even before you install it.
CouponHut is equipped with all the intelligence you need, including time-triggered events, offer expirations, and percentage-based discounts; all that’s lacking are your amazing deals.
Custom Widgets
Utilizing widgets that are simple to access is a wonderful method to display more of your content. CouponHut comes equipped with a variety of user-friendly widgets that have been specifically chosen to meet all of your site’s requirements.
Time Based Triggers
Every coupon clipper worth their salt adores time-sensitive sales; after all, who can say no to a markdown of fifty percent that has only five hours left?
We have put this information right up front so that you can display the expiration as a thumbnail on your homepage, and the click through to the complete offer has all of the cool icons, countdown clocks, company information, and every other component that you require to explain your offer.
Rating System Integration
A single purchase from the ideal consumer can significantly contribute to the growth of your company if you have a compelling offer to make. This could be accomplished through outbound marketing or through the use of associate network offers; however, there is nothing that works as well as word of mouth in today’s world.
Because of this, it is extremely important to incorporate a ranking system into your website. People in today’s society, including ourselves, look for that influencer ranking in every transaction that they make. Because of this, a star rating system has been thoroughly incorporated into the fundamental functioning of CouponHut.
There will be no messy coding, and your website will not be slowed down by any superfluous plugins.
Advanced Customer Filters
People are crazy about Search! They will spend a lot of time exploring your website and searching for information in order to determine whether or not you have what they require. It needs to be understandable, uncomplicated, and straightforward to locate, and CouponHut accomplishes this goal by incorporating a number of built-in Filters that are not only simple to use but also very sophisticated.
Make use of a slider to find out what expires first, and display a series of dropdown menus so that you can choose a specific brand, category, or business. It’s all here, ready to use straight out of the box.
Pre-built Pages
You want to get up and running as quickly as possible, so we developed a sequence of the most common pages that are going to form the basis of any website that offers coupons and deals. These papers have been meticulously crafted to cater to the particular circumstances you require, and we are confident that you are going to adore them.
Do you need to create a particular element on one page, and then quickly create it on other Posts, Pages, or the entire site? We did as well, which is why we filled CouponHut to the brim with incredible Shortcodes that will assist you in achieving your goals in a way that is both straightforward and elegant.
Shortcodes are exactly what they sound like: a collection of pre-built code snippets that you can use anywhere you see the Text Editor in the backend of WordPress. You can access the Text Editor by clicking on the “Edit Post” button. In Microsoft Word, all you have to do is copy and paste the content, but the results are quite impressive.
Buttons, blockquotes, accordions that enlarge when clicked, and a great deal more are some of the features that are available.
Registration Form, Payment Gateways and Cart by WooCommerce
WooCommerce is utilized by CouponHut in order to take advantage of its user registration, payment processing, and shopping basket features. We are not using the same post type that they are using for their Products because we have our own Deals post type. Plugins for WooCommerce that are dependent on the Products post category will not function properly with CouponHut.
- WordPress 4.4+ Ready
- Membership registrations.
- Rich Snippets
- Rename “Deal” post type
- Rename “Deal Company” and “Deal Category” taxonomies
- Fully Responsive
- Built with Bootstrap 3
- Extremely Easy to Setup
- 1 Click Demo Install – No Images Included
- Unyson Page Builder & Shortcodes
- SEO Optimized
- Clean & Minimalistic Design
- 700+ Google Fonts
- WPML Support and Translation Ready – *.po and *.mo files included
- Custom CSS Field
- 2000+ Iconsmind Premium Icons
- Threaded Post-Comments
- Free Updates
- Documentation & Theme Support
10 Page Templates
- Browse Companies
- Browse Deals
- Browse Categories
- Expiring Deals
- Popular Deals
- Front Page
- Blog
- Contact
- Full Width
- Page With Sidebar
10 Custom Widgets
- Daily Deal
- Deal Companies
- Deal Categories
- Deal Filter
- Deal Search
- Mailchimp
- Image
- Social
- Recent Posts
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