Currently includes 15 modules
- Product filters
- Product options
- Badges and counters
- Search engine optimization (SEO)
- Product tabs
- Price commander
- Bulk add to cart
- Live search
- Floating cart
- Package quantity discount
- Live product editing
- PDF, print and share
- Shop design
- Spam control
- Warranties and returns
- More modules coming soon!
Product filters
Product filters that are both the best and the quickest for any WooCommerce store. Demos include Fashion and Clothing Store, Electronics and Technology Store, Car Parts Finder, Green and Healthy Shop, as well as many others!
Product options
Don’t sell simply stuff! Options for add-ons can bring in a lot of extra money! Using this plugin, you can get more use out of your items. Complete support for changeable goods and photos, as well as pricing, in-stock status, and out-of-stock and backorder status.
Badges and counters
Fabulous WooCommerce product badges, including sale badges with counters, new badges, highlighted badges, category badges, and tag badges! 50+ badge presets available. Explore the demonstrations to obtain further information.
Search engine optimization (SEO)
Additional SEO is provided by this plugin, which is all that is required to operate the optimization of any store’s search engine on autopilot. The functionality of this plugin extends to all pages and meta tags. Custom meta is available. Your server uses a very minimal amount of resources.
Live product editing
You may easily edit goods on the Shop page or any other page that displays products. Your website’s front end contains all of the available options. The administration of tablets and mobile devices could not function properly without this invaluable tool.
PDF, print and share
Support for print, PDF, sharing, and email should be added to your store. Customers should be able to download, email, or print the items. All of this can be made readily accessible automatically for any product with the flip of a switch. Explore the available demonstrations to get a feel for how it works.
Shop design
Your WooCommerce store might benefit from some really interesting new product designs that we’ve got here. These just take a few seconds to set up and are ready to use immediately after installation. Incredible-looking designs that not only boost conversion rates but also provide more diversity to your items.
Warranties and returns
Any shop may benefit from having the ability to provide warranties and returns. This plugin integrates into the order pages of WooCommerce and gives customers the ability to ask for warranties or refunds according on the policies set by the business owner. There are programmable warranty settings available!
Product tabs
Product tabs manager that is helpful. Create a table from a CSV file, an image, a video, some text, HTML, or shortcode. It’s simple to make tabs using the product’s meta keys. You should rename the short description tab or disable the extra information tab. Plus, tabs for conditional statements!
Spam control
This plugin will assist you in warding off spam. By utilising awe-inspiring characteristics, your Shop will never again have to suffer the annoyance of receiving thousands of spam emails. Spam Control prevents spam traffic from connecting to your website and immediately shreds any such traffic.
Price Commander
You’ll be able to do thousands of actions for product pricing in a matter of seconds thanks to the straightforward user interface that comes along with Price Commander. Now with just one click, you may schedule deals of 20% discount on one hundred different goods. Support is provided for Product Variations!
Bulk Add to Cart
Checkboxes will be added to the products in your shop when you enable Bulk Add to Basket, as well as a Bulk Tool that will allow consumers to add several items to their cart at once. How does this thing work? You just need to check a few goods, enter the amount you want, and click the Bulk Add to Cart button.
Live Search
Live Search for WooCommerce is the most cutting-edge component that can be added to any website. Utilizing this module will make finding items a breeze. There is support for every pagebuilder! Elementor, Gutenberg, WPBakery Page Builder even Cornerstone, you name it.
Floating Cart
Keep your shopping cart in plain sight at all times for your consumers. Obtain the standardised Cart solution offered by XforWooCommerce, which is compatible with any theme. There is support for WooCommerce AJAX add to cart, as well as variants. This plugin will not be affected by future updates!
Package Quantity Discount
Package quantity discount module allows establish discounts per % or fixed for your items on defined quantities. Second, there is the option for a Select Box with packages, which means that you may present it with several pricing alternatives such as 6x$9.99, 12x$9.99, etc.
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